Chapter 1

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They stood in a dark, overgrown cemetery; behind a large yew was the black outline of a small church. To her left stood a hill. You could still see the outlines of a stately old house high up on the top. Cedric then looked up to her. "Did anyone tell you that the trophy is a port key?" he asked. "No," she said. She let her eyes wander over the cemetery. It was completely quiet here and a little scary. "Should this perhaps be part of the task here?" "I don't know," Cedric replies. He sounded slightly nervous. "Wands out, don't you think?" "Yes," she said, glad that Cedric had made the proposal and not her. They pulled their wands. She looked around. Once again, she had the strange feeling of being watched. "Someone is coming," she said suddenly. Strained to peer through the darkness, they saw a figure approaching them straight between the graves. She could not recognize her face; but after the gait and the posture to open up, the figure had to carry something with it. Whoever it was, he was small and had pulled the hood of the cape deep over his head to hide the face. The figure was now more clearly visible and was getting closer and closer - and now she realized that what the figure was carrying in her arms looked like a baby... or was it just a rolled up robe? She lowered the wand and looked at Cedric out of the corner of her eye. Cedric gave her a brief, perplexed look. Then they turned back to the closer figure. (...) From far above, she heard a high, cold voice: "Kill the superfluous." She heard a siren, and a second voice screeched into the night: "Avada Kedavra!" A glaring beam of green light penetrated through her eyelids and she heard something heavy fall to the ground next to her; Cedric lay next to her on the ground, arms and legs stretched out. He was dead. A second that spanned an eternity, she stared into Cedric's face, into his open gray eyes, empty and expressionless like the windows of an abandoned house, at Cedric's mouth opened as if in a slight surprise...

With a throbbing heart and a nightgown wet with sweat, Leria Odalis awoke from her restless sleep. She looked at the clock and saw that she had woken up an hour earlier than she had to.

Today was the first of September. This means that she is starting her seventh and last school year at Hogwarts. She gets up and goes to her bathroom. When she looks in the mirror, you can see her dark circles under her eyes, which she got from the sleepless nights. Her eyes red, from the many crying. Her already light skin is much paler, an almost sickly tone. She rubs her eyes, whose iris has a beautiful shade of brown. She showers in the hope of clearing her head and no longer having to think about the terrible dream. Her eyes fill with tears again and do not manage to suppress them any longer. Tears roll down her cheeks. She doesn't know how long she showered. Was it five minutes or maybe 30? She has completely lost the sense of time in this moment. 

In the end, Leria decided to stop because she doesn't want to arrive late at the station. She dries her long, slightly weavy, brown hair and covers her dark circles with some make-up. She immediately puts on her hufflepuff robe so that she does not have to do this while driving. At Kings Cross station, Leria quickly says goodbye to her parents and hurries through the magical passage to platform 9 3/4. 

She was good at time. This means that the chance of finding an empty cabine is still relatively high. Without hesitation, she got into the red lock and wanted to store her luggage, but she did not succeed immediately because she was relatively small and weak. Cedric used to be always there to help her, but now she's on her own. Even thinking about it made the girl sad, so she threw her suitcase with full force on the luggage rack. She herself wondered where she had so much strength from. 

She was lucky and found an empty cabine. She sat down next to the window and leaned her head against the window pane. The ride was quiet and when she arrived at Hogsmeade, she noticed something strange. She could suddenly see the thestrales .She suspected that it was because she had permission to look into the memory of Harry Potter last school year. Because that's how she saw Cedric Diggory die. And since then, she has also had the nightmares. Goosebumps covered her whole body as she looked at the unusual creatures, not noticing how she collided with anyone. Before she hits the hard ground, two strong arms grab her and pull her back on her feet. "Sor-ry... And t-thank you," Leria murmured very quietly and very quickly went to a carriage, which leaves at the same moment. She briefly looks back to see who she has collided with and was surprised when she recognized the face of Adrian Pucey.

 Adrian stopped and tried to realize what exactly had just happened and wondered what had happened to the once so happy Leria Odelis. Is Cedric's death the reason? Adrian was torn out of his thoughts by his best friend Marcus Flint and also went to the carriages.

 However, his thoughts were full of Leria Odelis. Leria didn't felt any better the whole trip to the castle, she wondered why Adrian helped her and didn't insult her, which was always the case when they accidentally crossed paths. From all the thinking, she only noticed that she was already at Hogwarts, after she felt the carriage touch the ground. She immediately made her way to the Great Hall.


It is possible that the italic text does not quite correspond to the original because I have translated the german version into english.

Hope you liked the first chapter!

Until the next chapter.


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