Chapter Eight

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Ouyang Zizhen appreciation post and Angst chapter.

Wei Wuxian woke up with an irritable temper. Did he even sleep at all? Now walking the paved road of the garden in Lanling at Three in the morning. He left Lan Wangji sleeping alone in the guest room, he couldn't even sleep at all. Nightmares. A sigh leaving his mouth, cold air being visible yet discarnate.


"Ah! Zizhen! What are you doing this late?"

"I can't sleep, just some anxiety..."

Ouyang Zizhen rubbed his shoulder. Wei Wuxian had a small smile on his face before walking towards the boy.


Ouyang Zizhen broke down in tears before clutching unto Wei Wuxian for dear life. Wei Wuxian stroked his hair, calming the younger one down.

"Did something happen, Zizhen?"

"P-please call me A-Zhen..."

Wei Wuxian was speechless at first but he came through, now giving out a small smile.

"Okay, A-Zhen. Will you tell me what's wrong now...?"

"I just feel... Somewhat lonely even when people surround me... No perhaps I feel forgotten..."

Wei Wuxian frowned.

"In this world, there is no silence. We have the non-stop questions on why the world doesn't stop. They say that everything has an end... And we tend to look far ahead and ask why..."

Ouyang Zizhen gripped on him tighter.

"Just rest, A-Zhen... Don't be afraid to face your own sadness... Just breath... Please breath..."

Wei Wuxian pulled away and held Ouyang Zizhens' hand.

"Let me take you somewhere."

Wei Wuxian lead him outside of the Jin Sect, now walking a dirt road and to a tree. It was a tree with blooming green leaves and pink flowers. It was beautiful. Wei Wuxian sat down and pulled Ouyang Zizhen to lay on his lap, stroking the youngers' hair.


"Shh, just breath and watch..."

Wei Wuxian took out that moving illustration talisman and closed his eyes, now displaying a memory of him when he was younger. It was now more visible, the lines that were too wonky became visible and it actually looked like a moving picture. It was a Ten year old Wei Wuxian standing in the corner while he watches a family of four feast. The father was wiping the little boys' stained cheeks and the younger girl was eating happily. The mother was silent but she smiled occasionally at her children, only to spot the child in corner, giving him a glare. Wei Wuxian, in the illustration, was visibly keeping his tears in. Gripping on tightly to his robes as he looked down. He was forgotten as well. He looked forward and saw a memory of little Wei Wuxian with his family, they looked so happy... Ouyang Zizhen felt more tears leave his eyes as he watched the entirety of the illustration. Wei Wuxian was lonely... Finding a family then loosing them again and again, the tears in his eyes filled his body but he didn't burst yet. He shifted his gaze and saw Wei Wuxian who had a lone tear falling from his eye. Ouyang Zizhen turned around and faced Wei Wuxians' stomach.


"Xian-gege is fine..."

Ouyang Zizhen swallowed the air in.

"Xian-gege... Are you scared...?"


"Xian-gege... How did it feel like... Looking at people you are associated with, only to see them be the ones known and you as a forgotten person that is part of the friendship..."

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