Chapter Three

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~How They Asked Eachother Out~

Atsushi and Akutagawa.

Dazai holds Atsushi and Akutagawa up in the air by their shirts.

"Okay go Atsushi" Dazai smiles.


"Do it or I will shoot a bullet in your head" Dazai smiles at the boy.

"T-Two best friends in a room th-they might kiss" Atsushi stutters.

"They will" Akutagawa says wanting to get this done with as he corsses his arms.

Dazai brings the two boys faces together as they push eachother away but the Brown haired male doesn't stop there and just makes the two kiss.

They enjoy it ofcourse and then soon after that on a mission together after completing it they both asked eachother out at the same time and both started going out then soon dating.

Dazai And Chuuya

Dazai sits there chained up again in the Port Mafia but this time not for the same reasons.

The same familiar harsh footsteps can be heard as the orange haired male walks down the stairs to where Dazai stands more like hangs from the chains as he walk towards him their faces inches apart but one clearly shorter than the other.

"Why are you here?" Chuuya asks annoyed.

"Rember out cat? Fruit Salad. I want her back." Dazai says coldly.

"When you left the Mafia you left me and Fruit Salad behind!" Chuuya yells.

"But what if I want to repair this relationship?" Dazai asks catching the Mafia member off gaurd.

"W-what do you mean?" Chuuya stutters confused at what this male has to say.

"I want you back with me Chuuya and Fruit Salad, I didn't want to leave you. I left the horrible deaths and killing because maybe instead of me hoping killing others would be my salvation but it was right infront of me it was you Chuuya!" Dazai yells at the male.

"You will be my salvation please just give me another chance!" Dazai begs.

Chuuya is left stunned at the words his ex partner said as they are something do out of character for Dazai. He knows deap down that he loves him and always had but he doesn't want the pain again.

"Please Chuuya!" Dazai continues.

Fuck it.

"Just shut up already!" Chuuya yells then harshly kisses the bandaged male.

They then part for air as Dazai smiles at the male.

"I guess that's a yes then.." Dazai smirks as the chains around his wrists fall off.

Poe and Ranpo

"You're books are amazing Poe but I know what's even better." Ranpo admires his dearest 'friend's' work.

"W-what Ranpo?" The dark haired male questions as he stutters still in denial about his feelings for Ranpo.

"You" Ranpo coos smirking at Poe as he becomes easily flustered.

After that they started hanging out more often and going on dates adventually ending in Ranpo asking Poe if hryw were considered official.

Gin and Higuchi

"So you're Akutagawa's sister?!" The blonde haired female asks the darker haired female.

"Y-yeah he doesn't really like to tell people" Gin smiles at the female.

"You are both so pretty- I mean!" Higuchi flails around her arms in embarrassment as it had slipped out of her mouth.

"Its fine I think you're really beautiful too!" Gin then blurts out.

They both pause and stare at eachother for a couple seconds before another voice can be heard.

"Just date already!" It was Akutagawa.

After that Akutagawa helped Gin get the courage to ask Higuchi out on a date and soon after were official.

Koyo and Yasona

The Port Mafia decided to take the executives out to a bar but the Agency had the same idea and both went to the same bar, but due to not wanting to cause anything they both decided to not fight until they had both left the bar.

At this time Dazai and Chuuya had already started to get wasted on a bottle of Petrus 1988 wine and somehow were getting along together. Atsushi refused to drink and had left early to hang out with Kyoka. Everyone else is either, passed out, drunk, or sober and done with life at this point.

"Hey you look sexy Yasona~" Koyo hangs her arm around Yasona's waist as a blush forms on the female's face.

"You're drunk Koyo" Yasona takes the woman's arm off of her.

"Playing hard to get hm?~" Koyo hums then kisses Yasona as she is caught off gaurd but soon enough the melts in her kiss.

They rembered everything the next day and went on a couple dates before finally becoming official.

Fukuzawa and Mori.

They had been on and off ever since Fukazawa had met Mori and then decided to be more serious about it.

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