Chapter Two

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Akutagawa POV:

"I like you Gin!" Tachihara confesses to Gin yelling.

Gin says nothing but just goes back into her room then you can hear something blasting from inside.


"Excuse me" Higuchi then pushes Tachihara out of the way and walks into Gin's room.

Tachihara looks traumatised as if his whole family just got murdered infront of him.

(F for Tachihara)

I just stare at the door then look between Tachihara and the door


There is an executive meeting and I was invited to it but only the people that were caught with an Agency member over are here.

"So do you have anything to say?" The boss asks.

"Dont act like You're not as guilty as us!" Chuuya yells standing from his seat.

"He has got a point Mori" Koyo hums clearly frustrated by this situation.

"Its unfair how you can get away with everything but we can't" I mumble.

"What was that Akutagawa?" The boss smiles.

"NOTHING." I am unlike Dazai I want to live a life.

"Well if i spot you again with these Agency members there will be consequences" Boss says coldly.

"Thats bullshit! You were with their fucking PRESIDENT!" Chuuya yells.

"Yes Mori you were so what happens if we spot you with him eh?" Koyo asks smirking.

I then get a text message in my phone and see it is Jinko. I open the message.


>Meet me at that fancy cat cafe.

"I gotta gay- go" I say quickly heading out of the room.

Atsushi POV:

Dazai and I are sitting in a booth at the cat Cafe together he told me to invite Aku so then we could have a double date.

"You really think a 'double date' is the best idea Dazai?" I ask looking at the suicidal idiot.

"Ofcourse and as a fact I know Akutagawa loves cats" Dazai smiles.

"Why would you know that?" I ask him confused.

"Because he likes you and you're a furry" Dazai smirks.

I look at times irriated he really had to say that I'm not a furry! I just pout and look away from him as Chuuya sits down next to him

"Why is the tiger here?" He asks.

"Its a double date Chuuya!" Dazai hums hugging him while he smiles brightly.

Aku then takes his seat next to me and glares at Dazai then looks back at me who has my head turned away to the wall away from Dazai.

"What did Dazai do?" Aku asks putting his arm around me.

"He called me a furry." I complain.

"HA!" Chuuya laughs and then Akutagawa stares at him making him stop.

"Dont listen to the suicidal maniac come here" Akutagawa says hugging me and I hug him back as he hils my head against his chest.

"We are out in public..." I mumble.

"Do I care? No." Aku responds with his usual cold tone.

"Why can't we have a relationship like that Chibi?" Dazai whines probably fake crying.

"Shut up Dazai!" Chuuya yells.

"You're so mean! You're ment to love me!" Dazai hums.

Suddenly the noise of someone being bashed is heard and I pull my head out of Akutagawa's chest and see Dazai winning while Chuuya looks furious.


And now we got kicked out for being too loud because of Chuuya and Dazai and we will never be able to go back there again.

"You two are idiots absolutely idiots!" Akutagawa yells at the two men.

"Give up on it Aku it's not like we can change the past" I tell him grabbing onto Aku'a jacket.

I drag Akutagawa away from the two as he continues to yell and push him into an alleyway where no one is.

"You can be quiet now." I say bluntly already fed up with this 'double date' thing.

"But those two ruined it!-"

I kiss him on the lips just a quick peck to shut him up and ofcourse it works as he is left speechless.

Ranpo POV:

"Aren't you afraid of that Kunikids guy figuring out that we are still together?" Poe questions.

"Ofcourse not he won't figure out unless anyone tells him wich if it's only between us then he won't" I smile with my eyes closed.

Poe is so cute whenever he is worried no he is always cute no matter what.

Yasona POV:

"And then Kunikida continued to yell at everyone like as if he is our mum." I laugh.

"Mori tried to lecture us but it didn't work he was as guilty as we are" Koyo smiles.

Her smile could brighten up this whole world it is so amazing and beautiful like the rest of her.

Kenji POV:

"So I bet $10 that Akutagawa asked Atsushi out first" I smile as I grab out 10 dollars from my pocket.

"Okay then knowing Akutagawa, Atsushi asked him out first so your on!" Kunikida smiles.

"I bet that they both asked eachother out at the same time." Kyoka says putting a ten dollar bill on the table.

"Alright we just have to ask Atsushi when he returns from his errands."

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