Letter To Myself

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I know you're struggling
Teardrops fall from your crystal blue eyes
This world may be troubling
But at least you got support by your side

Never feel like you're alone
Not when so many people feel this way
Know this tyranny will be overthrown
And one day we can be accepted and stay

Don't be ashamed of your flaws
Don't be scared to find yourself wishing for before
You're perfect the way you are
They can't hurt you anymore

I tell you this every day
That being perfect doesn't exist
But somehow when I shine in the sunlight
My brown eyes sparkle in bliss

Acceptance is a hard thing to swallow
I'm choking on my words
Know it's okay to see me hollow
But I still know I deserve the world

I despise when humans hurt others
Just because we're different
Why can't we be kind to each other
Yet we remain ignorant

Love may be desired
But self love comes first
So show me yourself burning in the fire
While water soothes our thirst

Dear Diary Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora