Chapter 12

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Promises (Calvin Harris/Sam Smith) - was playing as they entered the club.

Nicole was mended. No physical scars. Emotional scars would take longer to heal. She had a support team around her, led by Waverly. That was the most important thing. A love en masse to finally celebrate Nicole.

Waverly took her hand, Doc behind. They moved to the dancefloor. Their group standing round them. Waverly moved into Nicole, letting their bodies dance in unison. Nicole could have easily made love on the dancefloor. So erotic, so sensuous. So loved.

The group were cheering. They were the victors. No idiot, with more intelligence in his fists than his head, would ever destroy them. Nicole felt the urge to hug Waverly. Tears welling. How could she be that lucky? Waverly saw Nicole's eyes.

"Hey, hey. My darling. What's wrong? This is for you."

"I know. Too emotional right now. Love you. Waves, I love you. You know that, don't you?"

"I do."

"Say it. I dare you."

"Alright. I love you. There. You owe me a drink."

They moved to the bar. The night just beginning. Their whole lives before them. It was the moment they would remember for years to come. No matter what they went through, this would be theirs.

What a night. It went on until the early hours. They were the last group to leave. Slightly drunk. Read, very drunk. They sang their way back to Doc's house, hoping the neighbours wouldn't complain.

Doc retrieved his vodka from the freezer. He was going to make a longer night of it. Nicole declined, so did Waverly. Chrissy said she'd have one with Doc, for the memory. Waverly and Nicole made their way upstairs. Too tired to do anything. Too comfortable in their own bubble. They fell asleep.

The sound of a car horn woke Waverly. She prised her eyes open, trying to work out what day it was. Nicole was snoring beside her. She nudged her to stop. Nicole groaned, turning over, no intention of waking up. Contentment. Of not wanting to be anywhere else. She turned towards Nicole. Spooning her. She was secure. She drifted off to sleep once more.

It was early afternoon before they surfaced. Waverly had missed one lecture. Too late to make it to university. She would check with Becky what she had missed. Nicole was stirring. She needed the bathroom. Waverly lay in bed wondering what they would do for the remainder of the day. Nicole returned. A look on her face that spelt mischief. So that was that. They would need to eat at some stage, but for now their bodies were all they needed to sustain each other.

They had been enjoying each other for hours. Waverly needed water. Combined with a heavy session the night before, her body was crying out for hydration. She pushed Nicole off.

"Get dressed. We need something inside us."

"I've got the present you bought."

"Behave. That's for later. Can we please get food. I'm starving."

"For my love."

"I'm not joking."

Nicole recoiled, realising Waverly was serious.

"You OK?"

"No. My head is splitting. I need water. And, my stomach needs more than an orgasm."

Nicole saw the look on Waverly's face. It was the first time she had seen her this angry, and she loved her. She really loved her. No defensive play. No retreating over hurt feelings. She was there, with her and it was perfect. Waverly was looking at her.

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