Chapter 5

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The sounds in the house told Waverly people were stirring. She could hear Doc downstairs clearing bottles. It had been a very boozy party. There was a knock on her door.

"Nicole, you really don't have to knock. Just come in."

"It's not Nicole. Are you decent?"

Chrissy opened the door, pretending to have her hands over her eyes, peeping through her fingers as young kids do.

"I'm assuming you did if you thought I was Nicole."

"I did."

"And, how was it?"

"Fucking amazing. I mean, seriously amazing."

"Good for you. And Nicole, obviously. So, am I going to have to buy ear plugs?"

"No, I'll be quiet. You OK with me and Nicole?"

"Sure. I think you'll make a cute couple."

"I'm not thinking that far ahead. Nicole wants us to go on a date. We'll see."

"You don't seem that keen. Anything wrong?"

"No. It's just. You know. Being housemates and it being my first year here I was sort of hoping for some freedom.You know, spread my wings, as they say. Don't get me wrong, I'd have sex with Nicole all day, every day if I could. She's amazing. It's just..."

Waverly trailed off. She was definitely interested in Nicole. She wouldn't have slept with her otherwise. She was beginning to realise perhaps she should have waited to get to know Nicole before jumping into bed with her. She was annoyed at herself for not having thought it through properly. Not that it needed thinking through. There was very little thought involved in what she and Nicole had done the night before. All body, no brains.

"Waves. Don't overthink this, OK. Nicole likes you. You like Nicole. I'll get ear plugs. Everyone happy. Doc might have something to say on the matter. Then again, he's so laid back about everything."

Waverly laughed. "I do overthink things don't I. Good job you're here. Shall I buy the ear plugs for you as an extra Crimbo present?"

There was a knock on her door. Chrissy and Waverly looked at each other. Waverly rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, can people stop knocking on my door. Come in, whoever it is."

Nicole appeared, an envelope in her hand. She saw Chrissy sitting on the end of the bed. Waverly still in bed.

"Sorry, I just needed...I'll come back."

"Nicole you can come in. We were talking about you anyway. You might as well listen."

Nicole looked flustered. She didn't know what to do. Come in. Go out. Stand in the doorway. And why were they talking about her? She hoped Waverly would be discreet in what she revealed to Chrissy. Then again, Chrissy was her good friend. She might have to get used to this being a three-way relationship. An image suddenly crossed her mind about a threesome, which she quickly pushed away. Way, way too complicated. She entered the room, hovering, not sure whether to sit on the bed with Chrissy, or perch somewhere looking awkward.

"Nicole, Chrissy knows. It's fine. I'm getting her earplugs. She was the one who got us together, anyway."

"Thank you. Are you OK with this? I mean us. I mean..."

"Perfectly. As I said to Waves. I think the two of you will look great together. Right, I'll leave you lovebirds to do what you have to do," winked Chrissy, standing. "Just remember, not too loud. I haven't got those earplugs yet." She grinned at Nicole as she left the room.

As soon as the bedroom door closed, Nicole jumped on the bed next to Waverly.

"So, I've sorted out our first date. Here," handing the envelope she had in her hand.

Waverly opened it. A beautiful Christmas card inside. The words 'To my Darling' across the top.

"Did you go and buy this? Tell me, you didn't have this already?"

"No. That would be creepy. Just bought it. Amazing what you can buy on January 1st. Read the inside."

Waverly opened the card:


First date on the first of the year.

My room.

Bring your silk scarf..!

Love Nicole.

Waverly stared at Nicole, a look of surprise on her face. So, Nicole was into kinky. She really, really, really should have got to know Nicole a little better. Mind you, Nicole and a silk scarf, she pondered.

This was going to be a great year.

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