Chapter 11 - Fred Weasley

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I breathed in a deep breathe smelling the exotic food that was coming out of the kitchen in huge plated lots. As the food arrived at my table I carefully placed what I wanted onto my plate, unlike my younger brother Ron who piled the food as though he had never seen food in his entire life.

I glanced around the table as I began to eat, the new first years all appeared to be nice people, none that would like George and I's pranks that seriously, that was very important. I laughed to myself just thinking of the possible pranks I could pull in their new dorm rooms.

The night was eventful to say at the least, as per each year we were introduced to the panel of professors assigned to teach us for the entire year, I was glad to see my past defensive against the dark art teacher gone, let's just say one stink bomb too many to make him crack.

I made polite small talk while at the table, although I let my mind slightly wonder thinking of possible scenarios and pranks for the future. I was pulled back into reality and George tapped my shoulder letting me know that it was now time to embark to our common room. I placed my fork and knife in their correct position, now wanting to get a stare by Malfoy just like Ron had gotten, before I stood up and started walking alongside Lee and George to our common room.

The stairs had shifted as per usual so it took slightly longer to reach the room, I was glad to see the painting had gone to sleep so we wouldn't have to hear her more than unpleasant singing. I quietly whispered the password as I ducked into the room. I didn't spend too much time in the share room instead I walked over to my room and jumped into bed. I flicked my wand to turn the light off but not before I heard the echos of good nights.
"Goodnight Fred"
"Goodnight Lee"
"Oi you forgot about me"
"Good night George"
"Shut up George, and go to bed"
I laughed before flipping my pillow to the cooler side and went into a peaceful sleep.

I was shortly woken by the sunlight seeping through the opened blind, I guess we had forgotten to close it when we had drifted off. I glanced around realising I was the first person the sun had woken up, I guess that was a good thing. I turned onto my back so that I was facing the roof, I counted approximately 13 roof patterns before I heard rustling beside me. I sat up in bed realising that George was now awake I waved to him as the threw a pillow at my face, I ducked quick enough for it to fly right past me.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my Gryfindoor robes for last year, sure they were slightly damaged and still too big for me, they were a sign of me. I had some good memories already bonded into the fabric material of the robes, and many, many more to come. I traced the outline of the Gryfindoor patch before walking to the bathroom. I combed my hair to the best that I could manage although it was still a wild mess.

Surprisingly I wasn't the first person in the shared common room, when I walked into the room I was met by hermione who was already reading.
"Well hello there Fred!" She said extremely cheerfully for this early in the morning
"Reading already?" I asked questioning her, she glanced up from her book with a puzzled look, she returned her gaze to the pages before responding with
"It's never too early to read"

If you ask me that girl deserved to be in ravenclaw, although she did seem daring enough to be a Gryfindoor which I guess was better than nothing. We waited in silence for several moments before her friends and mine started coming out of the rooms.

I was thankful when George came into my view as her silent reading was making me feel awkward.
"Ready Fred we have potions first have to make a good impression for snape, I don't think his forgiven us for the fireworks from last year" George said laughing to himself

I couldn't help but laugh myself, we had set off fire works right when snape entered his supply cupboard, we had lost ten points from Gryfindoor although everyone agreed that it was worth the look that was plastered onto his face.

Escorted out by George we made our way down the halls and into the potions room, I had no idea how this came about but it appeared we were slightly late, every other spot in the classroom was filled with a second year.
"Nice of you two to finally join us, please take a seat" he said before I could even respond or come up with an appropriate answer to why or why not someone would be late for potions.

I sat down at the desk and pulled open my hand me down potions book, it was slightly wrecked but if I squinted and turned my head slightly to the left I could make out the writing, so it was doing me just fine.

I casted my eyes onto the board as Snape started his demonstration to the polyjuice potion, apparently it took months to brew but he had been keeping it for this moment, how very odd I thought to myself.

The class was long and boring, I made sure to be on my best behaviour, even though I received several glares from Snape himself, I made sure to even stop George from making a comment to one of the other Gryfindoors. Overall I was quite pleased with my performance as I packed up my stuff to leave the class.

I breathed relieved as I stepped out,
"Wow that took alot didn't it" I said to Lee
He bursted into laughter
"Snape was so shocked"

I started walking towards my next class. 

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