Chapter 7 - Fred Weasley

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The rest of the train ride time was filled with George and I discussing to Lee our very finest pranks for this year. Over the schooling break we had made sure to stock up on some gag jokes, those including stink bombs and more along those lines.  Lee seemed more enthusiastic about the pranks than last year, I guess George and I had been quite and influence on him.

I knew that the crowed chaos would begin almost immediately as the train stopped so I made sure to quickly get out of my carriage and walk to the edge of the train, I turned my head to face the other way checking that Lee and George were still following me. I had become fairly familiar with the school from last year and I was glad to be off the train, and now onto the landing.

I glanced at the group of first years huddling just in front of Hagrid, it was quite surreal to remember that just last year I was standing in that very spot. Now I was allowed to go with the rest of the school in the carriages. A couple of students claimed they were pulled by winged horses but I couldn't see anything of the sorts. I heard someone mention Thestrals which we had covered briefly last year, although I didn't pay much attention so I wasn't quite sure what exactly they were. All i know was that the carriages were slowly moving along the trail and making their way up to the school.

George was the first to jump out of the carriage and gave me a hand down
"You alright there princess" he said mocking me, I shoved his rib before walking on
"Only if I find my prince" I said laughing back
"God I missed you two" Lee said getting all sentimental
"Don't go all soft on us Lee" George mumbled in between fits of laughter
Honestly I don't know why we were all laughing, but once we got going it was hard to stop, eventually we calmed down and all walked into hogwarts presentably making sure to not look suspicious.

I walked up the long winding staircase that lead to the Gryfindoor common room, I was glad to already be sorted because now I had a place to put all my stuff before I had to go into the dining room. As per usual there was a slight cue at the start of the common room, as per usually it was because of our house painting who refused to open the door until we watched her sing. She sang a high pitch squeal noise which we all pretended to enjoy until we were finally allowed in the room. As I walked inside I glanced around happy to be back at hogwarts and eager for this year. I dumped my stuff down, just as George did beside me before I turned to face him.

"Well we better get going we want to get good seats for the sorting" I murmured still preoccupied by unpacking my things, I quickly looked up to see George nod and walk out the room before me. I quickly left my not fully unpacked items and followed George. To my surprise Lee was waiting in the shared area for us, how nice of him. As a group of three we travelled down the stairs we had just walked up and into the dining room.

The sight of the roof full of stars caught me off guard, I didn't remember it being this beautiful. Together George, Lee and I found a good enough seat at the Gryfindoor table waiting for the rest of the students to arrive we started making laughter conversation.

With in no time it was time to start the ceremony, i clapped when I was supposed to and made smiled here and there, overall just giving off the appearance that I was truly listening to everything going on, when in reality I was zoning in and out, let's call it select hearing.

As Professor Dumbledoor made his yearly speech I was happy to hear the familiar voice, and see his face as encouraging as every to see his students, sometimes I thought he treated each one of us like his own children, it was comforting to say at the least. My eyes found their way to the stage as I watched each student go up the stage and place the hat on, waiting for its booming voice to announce which house in fact they would be casted off to.

As Selina Black went up onto the stage she looked nervous, she didn't smile once until the hat had called her to be a Slytherin, I felt somewhat disappointed as she walked to her table, I just hoped she wouldn't be like the other Slytherins or like her father.

The next person to take their seat on the Gryfindoor table was a Malfoy, I was shocked to see her sitting next to Hermione, Ron, and Harry Potter not everyday did someone from the Malfoy family line end up in Gryfindoor in fact that might be a first for the family.

" George and this is Fred. " George as polite as ever said to her as she made herself comfortable on the table, she smiled nodding her head back to us, Ron was glaring at George for even making an effort to talk to her, I thought this made George more eager to talk to her. I waved at her as I was introduced, I didn't really know what else to say or do.

" Weasley. If you couldn't tell by the hair. " I told her, she chuckled for a short moment, gesturing her hand out. George shook it first then I could, but hesitantly her name did still point me on the edge.

The night was full of a beautiful feast and the teacher introductions. As I sat in the dining hall taking in the sights of everyone, I found myself glancing at the Slytherin table more specifically looking at Selina, she looked happy talking to Theo not, I guess she felt my gaze as when she looked up we locked eyes, she waved slightly but not before dropping her eyes to face Draco Malfoy, he seemed annoyed at her. I went back to my own table after that making small talk with everyone. This was going to be an interesting year, I could already tell.

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