incorrect quotes with whitebeard's commanders

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Inky: *About to greet marco*

Inky: *trying to decide between saying 'how are you' and 'are you okay'*

Inky: how are you okay?

Ace & Thatch wheezing in the background

Inky: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?

Ace: Rude.

Izo: That's fair.

Thatch: Not again.

Marco: Are you gonna want this back?

Ace: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?

Inky not looking up: Myxine Circifrons


Ace: fsh

Ace: I'm inlove with you.

Inky: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.

Ace: I know.

Inky: Ahh... That's.. Cool... Cool... Cool.. Coolcoolcoolcool-

Inky, Thatch, and Ace sitting in a bench

Marco: Why do you guys look sad yoi?

Inky: Sit down with us so we can tell you.

*Marco sits down*

Thatch: The bench is freshly painted.

Thacht setting down a card: Ace of spades.

Inky pulling out an uno card: +4

Ace pulling out a pokemon card: Jolteon, I choose you.

Marco trembling: What are we playing

Inky: If I run and leap at marco, he will most certainly catch me in their arms.

Inky running towards marco: Coming in!

Marco: No! I'm holding coffee!

Marco: *drops coffee and catches inky*

Ace: Sorry I'm Late, I was just doing things.

Door slamming open to reveal a panting Thatch

Thatch: He pushed me down the fucking stairs!

Inky: I want to do something stupid.

Ace: I'm stupid do me.



Ace: Did I say that out loud?

Inky: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneously, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.



The other division commanders:

Everyone else At Inky's surprise birthday party:

Thatch: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.

Inky after saving thatch

Thatch: I owe you one.

Inky: That's okay. You can date me and we'll call it even.


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