Chapter 1

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Waverly needed a place to live. She was starting university and didn't fancy spending her first year in student digs on campus. Too restricting she thought. Her good friend, Debbie, knew someone at Sussex University. A second year student by the name of Robin. A tall, good looking guy, Debbie could see Waverly getting along with given their personalities.

Robin was renting a room in a house in Brighton's Kemptown, lovingly referred to as Camp Town by its residents. The house was close to Queens Park. An older style property, boasting three floors with views out to sea. The ground floor living area was open plan, a large, circular metal joist keeping most of the upper house from falling in on itself. An open fire, which Doc proudly could get going in under a minute. A kitchen, big enough for one person and a small courtyard, off-limits due to Doc's horticultural activities.

Debbie drove Waverly to see the house and meet Doc. She really needed to sort her living arrangements out fairly quickly. The first term of her degree course was fast approaching. She could see herself camping on the beach at this rate. Not a bad prospect, although not entirely sensible.

Doc opened the door. Mid-forties, shaven head, beard, self-assured. He kissed Debbie and Waverly on the cheek, ushering them into the lounge. Robin was away for the weekend. They discussed rooms. Doc showed Waverly the two rooms he currently had available. A mid-sized room on the second floor. A larger on the top floor. Waverly immediately fell in love with the larger. A bay window offering generous light into the room. Period features making it homely.

She agreed to the rent, paying a deposit there and then. She would move in a few days before term started. Debbie had a grin on her face as they drove back to London.

"Told you you'd like the place."

"OK. It's really cool. I like Doc. He's quite a character."

"Wait till you meet Robin."

Doc had four rooms in total he let only to students. He liked their company. Talking late into the night about politics and philosophy. He had been to university, gaining a PhD in philosophy, hence his nickname. He enjoyed the intellectual workout students provided. He also liked having younger, beautiful company in his house. He was young at heart, having lived an interesting life. Lived to tell the tale. Like the one time he and a friend survived for three days on a jar of peanut butter, having run out of money on a road trip. Good times.

He kept his Vodka in the freezer.

The third room was eventually let to another friend of Waverly's, Chrissy. Waverly told her about the house. She was starting a teacher training course at another college nearby. She too had debated staying on campus, deciding it would be more fun living with Waverly for the first year. The fourth room was let to an American. A first degree in physics, she was scheduled to start a PhD at the same university Waverly would be attending.

Waverly settled into her new home. Doc was great company. His friends/customers dropped by most evenings. They would sit enjoying Doc's horticultural produce. It was good stuff. Waverly didn't partake. She preferred a glass of wine and the group discussions. Chrissy was a customer. That and a half of cider with blackcurrant, she was mellow for the evening.

Robin arrived one day before university was due to start. He rushed in with boxes, a trail of people behind him. Waverly liked him immediately. His energy lifted the house instantly. He seemed to fill a room with his presence. She knew she would have fun with this guy being in the house. Chrissy saw Waverly sizing him up. She knew Waverly well enough to recognise when she had spotted an opportunity walking through the door.

The fourth room remained empty. No sign of the American. Their courses began. So much to take in. So many new faces. The buzz of the first week was incredible. They felt their futures before them.

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