She watches in sadness and pity as Andrea sobs over Amy's body. She has been laying in that position with her sisters corpse since her sister had passed.
She refuses to move regardless of all the adults attempts to comfort her.

"A Walker got him! A Walker bit Jim!!" Jacqui announces to the camp who all tense at the news.
"I'm okay...I'm okay!" Jim panics,attempting to convince both the camp and himself.


Rick managed to persuade the group to head for the C.D.C,Jessica was anxious about it. The C.D.C is pretty close to the city which is overrun,who's to say the C.D.C isn't also crawling with walkers?

"Everybody listen up,those of you with we're gonna be on channel 40. Let's keep the chatter down okay? Cant get a signal or anything at all you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the RV.Any questions?"
"We're...uh...not going,We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people" Morales speakers up quietly.
"You go on your own you won't have anyone to watch your back" Shane tells the family who nod in response,"we'll take the chance.Gotta do what's best for my family."
"You sure?" Rick checks to which morales nods again.
"All right."

Jessica didn't like this decision,the group was growing smaller and smaller and with that it was growing weaker.

Morales and his family bid their goodbyes to the group,taking a gun from Rick for protection.
"Channel 40 if you change your minds" Rick reminds the family before watching them drive away.
Jessica puts an arm around Sophia who began to cry,being close friends with Eliza,Morales kid.


The group had been on route to the C.D.C for awhile,Jessica riding in a car with her family and Carol and Sophia.
She had been mindlessly looking out the window,watching the landscapes blur past.
She hadn't noticed when the RV up front came to a halt until her parents stopped the car and got out.
"Oh no...christ my bones,my bones are like glass! Every little bump...God! This ride is killing me!" Jim screeches in agony as Jessica watches feeling helpless.
She wished she could do something for the man,it was chilling to see him in such pain.
"Leave me here. I'm done..Just leave me. I'll be with my family" he pleads.
Jessica feels a familiar lump form in the back of her throat. How can they leave him all alone in his current state?
Jessica slowly goes to stand by her mother who welcomes her oldest child into her warm embrace.
"Rick,I'm clear now. In five minutes I may not be. I know what I'm asking..I want this. Leave me here now I'm asking for this okay? It's on me. My decision,not your failure."

The group debate what they should do with the man who continues to cry in agony.
"Mom, we can't leave him,it's not right" Jessica tries only for Lori to look down at her daughter with a loving gaze,"it's not our call love,it's what Jim wants."
Lori places a comforting hand on Jessica's shoulder as a tear slips from the young girls eye,leaving him behind as Walker food just felt so wrong to the teen.
In little over twenty-four hours the groups numbers had depleted massively,the thought of it growing any smaller terrified her.


Leaving Jim at the side of the road broke Jessi's heart. He deserved so much better than he was dealt but with the way the world had gone to shit,didnt everyone?
The man denied a gun, knowing it would be of no use to him, Jessica felt guilt like never before. He was helpless and would spend his final moments along and in fear, it wasn't right but nothing seemed to be anymore.
"I'm sorry we can't do more for you Jim" the girl whispers,a tightness forming in her throat. The older man smiles tearfully,"you're a good kid Jess, look after the group alright. Don't worry about me, I'm ready now" he speaks slowly, losing energy with each word.
Jessica nods before standing and making her way back to the car where her mother and brother stand.
The rest of the group wish Jim well with bitter goodbyes before getting back into their respective vehicles.
Jessica rests her head against the car window, watching as Jim fades into the landscape behind them. If only Jim could've made it to the CDC and possibly be cured.


Authors note; PLEASE READ

Oops it's been so long since I've updated but I honestly have been so so busy so my apologies !
I low-key hate this book my writing style has changed so much so I don't know do I keep it in its current format or switch it to first person ????
I don't know if anyone's even still reading or interested in this story but if anyone is, let me know what you'd prefer please !!!
I'll try to update more frequently but I have so much personal stuff going on this year I'm not quite sure just how often that will be...
Anyways thank you for reading <3!

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