Ch. 1 My apologies

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Cold mornings in New York werent an uncommmon thing but they would never be something that Anna enjoyed. Anna had always loved the idea of living in New York since she was a young teenager. She has always pictured apartments with glass windows and channel purses. Streets lit with light at Christmas and love all around. Her view however had changed once she got out of college. Anna had majored in art  and worked at a small gallery downtown. She had indeed moved into her dream apartment but had discovered that the rest of her little fantasy was almost nonexistent. Now at the ripe old age of twenty three, Anna had gone through two boy friends. Well one if you didnt count her odd eighth grade fling. Her most recent relationship had ended her junior year of college. Her once loving sweet boyfriend Alex, quicky turned into an abusive toxic man. Her best friend Emma who had always been by her side encouraged her to leave him. It was months until Anna finally saw the toxic relationship she was in. 

That being said her relationship was the only thing that changed in her routine life. Her routine being so precise that the barista didnt even take her order. Anna wasnt one for change and those around her knew that. 

However this cold august morning was diffrent. Anna had gotten her coffee as usual and taken the subway and gotten to the gallery all on schedule. However the moment the first pedestrian walked into the gallery, Anna knew something was off. The light seemed to seep from the room when he walked in. It wasnt unusual for off people to walk into the gallery. Infact odd people came in all the time. Arts an off thing and attracts odd people. He however was a diffrent type of odd. He was tall making Anna looked pocket sized. Wearing an all black suit with his dark hair sleeked back. Annas eyes trailed up an down the man admiring the strength she could tell was hidden behind his tailored suit. He looked to be dripping in wealth. He arched an eyebrow at her and cleared his throat bringing Anna out of her daze. Realizing she was staring she shook head bringing her back into reality. 

"My apologies" the man said. "huh?" Anna was confused, frowning  to herself trying to figure out what the man could be apologizing for. "I seem to have confused addresses because you most definetly are not the man I am looking for." "Adam, your looking for Adam." "Ah yes that would be correct." Adam owned the art gallery. He was a exhuberient young man who always seems to running on one to many iced coffees and an hour to little of sleep. "I'm really sorry.." Anna began to ramble,  obviously feeling bad that the mystery man had come out only for Adam to be home sick. Little did Anna know the man was quite enamored with the little rambling thing. "Adam isnt here and usually I just cordinate the gallery showings, this isnt really my thing.." "Doll please its not an issue." Doll? Anna thought to herself. "Its Anna." He sighed to himself pleased. "Marcel." 

Now being able to put a name to the handsome face Anna watched Marcel retrieve a wallet from his slacks. Pulling out a sleek card he handed it to her. "Please leave my card to Adam." Anna opened her mouth to ask what he needed with Adam but Marcel had already began striding to head doors to leave. Suddenly he spun around, " You wouldn't care to join me for a coffee would you?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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