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no one's pov

All the students were in the Great hall. Hagrid walked in with the first years. McGonagall walked up to the podium and everyone quieted down.
“Welcome back students, staff, and other members of the wizarding community. I am Professor McGonagall. I am going to be the Headmistress at Hogwarts this year. Well, this year is going to be like any other year. But we do have some increased security measures as precautions. All new students make your way to the front to be sorted.”
One by one all of the students walked to the front, got sorted, and made their way to their new house tables.

“Okay, now that we got all situated. I have some situation adjustments for housing. There was another dorm section added for all of the returning eighth years. All students returning for their eighth year will not be assigned to houses like years before. Since there weren’t enough eighth years to be put into houses, all eighth years will have combined dorms. Except for the respected male and female sides. There will also be separate bathrooms like always. Prefects will show the way for the first years and second years. Third, seventh years are free to find their houses after supper. I will show the 8th year to their new dorms. Well, now its time to eat. Enjoy your school year.” She announced.

Food appeared on the tables and everyone dug in. Unknown to Harry, Draco was trying not to stare at the raven haired hero.

He slowly filled his plate as Pansy chatted to him.

After the war, Draco and Harry had received the most hate out of everyone involved.

Of course, dirty looks were passed from tables to the two boys.

Harry was sitting next to Neville and they quietly ate. From the other side of the table, a fiery red head was staring at Harry.

Ginny and Ron Weasley watched as Harry ate.

Ron didn't know why Ginny was so mad at Harry because, of course, he couldn't take a hint.

And Ginny, a closeted lesbian with current internalized homophobia, was watching her ex boyfriend shove chicken in his mouth.

But you, dear reader, have just realized that, in fact, everyone here is probably gay.

Ron, a very very closeted pansexual, was shoving chicken into his mouth with even more intensity than Harry.

Here is where the ships shart forming.

We have Luna Lovegood who, at the Ravenclaw table, has been talking about how the marbles saved her from the war.

Luna is sapphic, obviously, and she was talking to Cho Chang, who is bisexual.

And now you're like, woah author, that's kinda sus. And I'm like, well obviously.

Anyway, back to the story.

So Harry and Draco have been getting hate.

And unlike previous years, Hermione isn't here to argue and debate everything with the press.

Harry could hear the whispers about him get so loud that he felt as if Voldemort was in his head again.

He was getting dizzy and flashbacks overtook his mind. Everything blurred together and he stood up abruptly. He walked out of the Great Hall and tried to regain concentration and focus.

He didn't notice however that the great hall fell silent as he left.

"Harry, you good mate?" Neville asked. Harry leaned against the cool stone wall and nodded his head at Neville.

"Yeah, it's just the voices," Harry said as he slid down the wall.

He looked around. Just a few months ago, this hallway was filled with dead bodies and horrid screams of people suffering.

"You ever think about what would have happened if the war didn't exist?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I would have graduated Hogwarts and moved to America. I wanted to understudy some of the greatest herbology legends and write a book. Like the Newt Scamander of plants," Neville said as he sat next to Harry.

"I would have either become a quidditch professional or an auror," Harry said. "But now, I was barely able to come back to school without getting ridiculed for it."

"It'll get better. But maybe we should finish eating first. I feel like a mum right now, come on Harry," Neville said as he stood up and offered Harry a hand

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