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"what about that one?" Joanne asked, pointing at the guy sitting at the table not too far from us

I shook my head no, smiling. She scanned the room with both her eyes and finger pointing out, looking for her next victim, "that one looks cute," she said

"except... he is sitting across his girlfriend," Justin said

"They could be friends, or siblings," she shot back

Justin and I both squinted our eyes, "I doubt it, they look pretty intimate. She has her leg on top of his and they are both looking at each other with bedroom eyes," I said.

Joanne dropped her head on top of the bar counter, "you guys don't know how to comfort a heart broken person," she whined.

I always fail to understand the reason behind Joanne's misery when it came to her relationships. She would fall in love with someone that only spoke to her for a week, the relationship would go on for about three months straight and then, a week after the third month... the relationship would just collapse like the walls of Jericho.

And after every break up, Justin and I would always gather at the bar just to watch her drink her pain away and drown her sorrows. Justin would always give her the best moral support by drinking with her while I just sit there and down my lemonade and add on to their silly topics.

I sometimes wish to join in on the drinking but it wouldn't help with the hangover as these clowns always drank during the week knowing damn well that we all had to go to work the following day and my girlfriend would kill me if I came home smelling alcohol. They too wouldn't let me drink as they used me as their DD, the type of friends we keep though...

I watched on as Justin asked Joanne for a dance as a song began playing in the background, why won't he just ask her out already!!! Justin clearly has feelings for Joanna but he's too dumb to confess and Joanne is is just too dumb to even notice. The poor guy always goes out of his way to make sure she is always happy and comforted.

I stood up from my stool and approached them, "I'm just going to head to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I said. They were so into their slow dance to even hear me. I just walked off and headed to the bathroom only to find a long queue. This was always stressful, one moment you come here when you're not pressed to not find any queue and when you are pressed, you just have to find one

I let out a stressful sigh and walked outside, right across the club. Luckily it was a bit dark so it was much easier for me to just pee without any judgement. I was almost done when I heard voices coming my way, "I thought you said he was inside," one voice said

"He was," the other replied, "it has literally been two minutes,"

"He clearly saw you guys, I specifically asked you to not be seen, didn't I?"

"But boss-"

"No buts!" the voice loudly said, cutting off the other person's words. I quickly zipped up my trouser and got closer to the van that was parked next to where I just did my business. "Stevie owes me money and it has been overdue, you either bring me my money or his head by the end of the week or some of your organs will be sold to pay me back my money,"

I froze on the spot, what does he mean? What did that mean? He's just joking... Is he?

As if he heard my thoughts, his voice became low and deep, "and you know damn well I am not joking," his words sent shivers down my spine. I quickly tip toed back into the bar and found my wasted friends still on the dance floor.

"Joanne," I said, tapping on her shoulder, "I'm going to have to be a spoilt spot,"

"we have to go?" they asked simultaneously to which I nodded. I went to pay the bill and grabbed Joanne's bag, with both her and Justin balancing each other, they slowly dragged their feet outside to my car. The traffic wasn't that bad considering it was a Wednesday night so I just made sure I drove a little past the speed limit. I made it at Joanne's place around nine pm and Justin made sure she was inside and in bed before I drove to his place to drop him off.

"Don't forget to come by at the restaurant Friday," Justin said getting out of the car, "bring Monique along, it's been a while since I last saw her,"

"I had already asked her and she said it was okay, so we'll definitely be there,"

"Great, now let me go get a good night's sleep before going to work tomorrow," He said, closing the door and walking off to his place

I was on the road again, the road that led to my place. The three of us didn't live very far from each other so the drives weren't always long, I was by my place within twenty minutes. I climbed up the stairs of the apartments as the elevator was Broken, again.

The landlord should honestly hire someone who knows about fixing elevators not someone who just repairs only for it to be broken in two days.

As I kept on thinking and cursing under my breath because of the elevator I found myself unlocking the door of my two bedroom apartment, "Babe," a very familiar voice said, causing me to smile and quickly close the door, I hurried to the figure that was laying on the couch watching T. V and softly kissed their lips

"Hi," I said, stopping amidst the kiss to glance at my beautiful girlfriend

"Hi," she smiled widely

"I missed you," I said, pulling her in for a quick hug, "I honestly missed you,"

"it's only been a week," she replied

“A week of longing and misery,"

"Honestly Vincent?" she asked to which I nodded, "you will be leaving soon to your trip and you think I will behave how you are doing right now?"

I broke off the hug and looked at her in shock, placing my hand on my chest, I gasped, "You won't? You have to... I called every day, sent texts every day and slept hugging your pillow every night," I said

"That's you being dramatic, don't you think?" she asked

I scoffed, "no it's not, that's me showing you how much I've missed you,"

She smiled and racked my hair, "let's go to bed," her smile quickly to a smirk. She stood up and untied her gown, leaning in she whispered in my ear, "how about you prove to me how much you've missed me?"

With her voice being that low and seductive, I blushed and followed her lead as she dragged me to our bedroom...

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