Welcome to new York

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I was nervous arriving at the hotel reception with my suite case and bag over my shoulder

summer pov

"the day is finally here I am travelling to New York all my bag and suitcase are packed I got changed into my skinny jeans and a white pink tee shirt threw my rings and necklace which my grandmother gave me walking down the stairs with my bags my mum was crying summer mum it is okay I am going to be fine I will call you every day I promise hugging her you better have

my dad was waiting in the car come on honey I don't want you to be late for your flight okay. Bitch I turned around and saw Alex hugging him I am going to miss you same I promise I will text you too summer holly runs up I am going to miss you say to harry we love his music okay

climbing into my dad's BM W blue car I sat at the front tears rolling down my face crying waving them goodbye driving from the house are you alright summer yes dad more than okay

8oclock my dad dropped me off at the airport I smiled thank you, dad, it's okay honey I am proud of you sorry for giving you a hard time it's okay I love you hugging him. getting out of the car grabbing my sliver suitcase and bag see you then waving him goodbye walking into the airport checking in good morning madam morning check-in for on, e yes I smiled have a nicely yours at Gate 45 okay walking it was RR and serving food finally it was time to board the plane I walk on the plane can I see your boarding pass madam course, I smiled sorry Madam you revere on the wrong side of the plane excuse what do mean your in first-class what the fuck first-classes I am sorry again madam walking to my seat which has a tv.

I put my bag in the overhead locker and sit in my seat wow this is nice could we get you anything No thanks I put the headphones on watching the movie crazy stupid Love

After a few hours and a nap I was tried finally we Landed grabbing my bag and walked off the plane, I went to collect my bag and suitcase walking I need to call for a Cab miss Williams I look at a cute guy with Paul Hello Mr styles and Jeff told me to pick you up okay can I carry your bags

climbing in the black range rover it was nice so miss Williams call me summer will you be working for MR STYLES yes he is a hand full oh why you will see pulling up the hotel fuck am I staying here yes summer Mr styles and Jeff is waiting for you thank you for picking me up.

I walked into the Hotel reception summer I have seen Jeff is finally nice to meet you how was your flight, okay I guess so I am going to text you harry schedule for the week and you can come and meet the guys walking by him is not going to be easy with harry is harry do what he wants

walking into the hotel bar a guy with black hair and a girl with short hair who was sitting on his knee hey you must be summer I am Sarah nice to meet you this is my husband mitch he is chilled what's up to nothing he smiles your funny I guess this is Paul come over here hugging me

charlotte Adam and dean hugging me it's nice to meet you're coming on tour with us yeah.

all of a sudden I hear Jeff harry he was on his phone not Looking at me this is your assistant summer Williams he looks up hello and walks away what on earth is that here is your room key Jeff smiles thank you I walk away going up to my room and turning the door wow.

putting my bags on the bed in my bedroom overlooking new York city Looking out of the window and jumping on my bed. I walked over to the wooden table picked an apple biting into it. Hum walking around the room flicking the Tv on this is nice talking to myself. my phone goes off Looking at the time it is 6oclock I got changed out of my clothes and wore a black skirt and a blue long baggy shirt and jumper over it putting on my shoes I went to get my Bag my phone flashed it was Jeff with harry rota does he had to text me whiles I am getting changed

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