tour starts first stop Huston Texas

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Waiting for the tour bus it was a cold sunny morining 

Summer pov


"I woke up my alarm went off fuck my life rolling out  great tour day today . climbing out of bed throwing my flower  crop top on which was coving just my stomach reaching over and pressing play to dancing in the moon light top Loader swing my hips and sliding my flare jeans on . boots on brushing my hair in the mirror a side pony and throwing my rings on and necklace off the side . packing my thing into my suitcase and making sure I got everthing . I open the hotel room throwing my bag over my shoulder and wheeling my sutie case down the hallway.  arriving at the lift I walk in Sarah smiled hello you hey did you have a good night sleep yeah I need . 

the lift door open Mich she shouted she gave her a cheeky girl there my girl hey summer jogging up to me ready for the crazy rock and roll tour yeah I smiled good babe Sarah said yeah she smiled . can you get are bags sorry yeah of course we walked outside the   Hotel the cold air hit me I open my rucksack getting a hoddie out of it .  Jeff looked stressed where harry shit I did not wake him up sorry well where is he I looked and seen his figure he was wearing a black tee shirt that says shit happens with grey skinny jeans with a baseball hat backwards . harry what the fuck I looked at his eyes why are they blood shoot got nothing to do with you Love climbing up the tour bus stairs I am your assiant anyway its 6oclock in the morining and your drinking beer . do I care No so shut the fuck darling and get your ass on this bus or else how rude are you .  

"I got on the tour bus what the fuck is his problem  mitch tapped me on the shoulder dont worry about him summer he is a dick in the morining yeah nothing agisted you okay throwing my rucksack on the side and getting my headphones blasting music on the way to Huston

few hours Later I was falling asleep the music was still playing I felt a jolt on my shoulders and woke up what the fuck are you doing I seen Harry with a cingette in his mouth  what have you got a lighter No I dont smoke okay mitch buddy here you go . Harry sat at the other side of the bus seat blowing smoke in my face can you stop that please aww Not you like people smoking . 

who pissed on your bonfire No one I just want to left alone oh yeah well I want to get to now you Harry Jeff smiled at Harry come on go and sit in your seat and leave miss Williams alone   we finally arrived at Huston   Billy are driver long hair tall ish guy parked the tour bus . Harry was drunk slurring his words L-Lets party the fuck out of Huston I grabbed my rucksack. I was not  impressed with him at all  I want to do is get off this tour bus and go to the Hotel room . 

we all got off the bus pretty tried Harry I shouted him what you have 4 hours to sober up Jeff smiled you Tell him Harry get your ass to your Hotel room and sober the Fuck up now he look maybe I dont want to get to your room now . I shouted fine sorry miss mood . I got my things and everyone Looked what he needs to be told yeah . we all walked into the repction . Jeff and I walked up to the desk Mr styles band and I would like to check in the band . oh course a blond lady with a mini skirt had use are room Key fuck sake Harry walks over to the desk what is wrong with you if you need me he says fuck this guy thinks with his dick . I went to room unpacking the 

sutie case my phone rung in my backpocket  caller ID  it was Alex hey   bitch he says hey hows American great so how you been missing you of course stop it how is Mr styles fuck off what you have not had sex with him No why the guy is a dick to me really come on he is hot Nope . what are you doing getting ready for my date oh well I need to get changed for tonight see you later girl .  once I finshed unpacking I got changed into what I was wearing to night . 


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