Chapter 5

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Numbuh 1 hoped that he knew what he was doing. He definitely knew that it was the right thing so send his team to safety, that way they could go for reinforcements and alert HQ. But now, as he was being half led half dragged down a long series of corridors, he sort of wished that he was with them. No, he knew what he was doing, this way he could find out where Nikki was and maybe even find a way to get her out too. With any luck anyway...

They stopped at a large metal opening in the wall, it was circular and looked like a futuristic dumbwaiter. His restrainers tossed him inside and he suddenly felt the ground plummet under his feet. He cried out in surprise as he fell. Almost instantly, his knees buckled under him as his feet collided hard with the ground. The tube above him sealed shut, leaving him stranded in some sort of containment unit. There was no visible way out, just the now closed off way he came in. He grumbled to himself as he got to his feet, brushing himself off. The room was lit by a single florescent blub that scanned across the ceiling. There was nothing else that he could see. Just... the room.

Numbuh 1 started inspecting the walls of the room, tapping his knuckles for hollow spots or a hidden exit but nothing. "Great, there's nothing here but walls." He groaned as he slumped on the ground.

That's when he heard something, sounds like exploding and stuff. Then, the wall exploded which Numbuh 1 shielded himself as he lowered his arm, only to see a shadow figure holding a fat teenager's back.

"Really? Here I thought, your capable of things."

His eyes widened, the figure happen to be his sister who was standing right in front of him. She placed the fat teenager on the ground before walking up to him. "How did you find me?"

Jacey rolled her eyes, making her recall.

10 minutes ago

She sneak inside the mansion without notice, beat up several Teen Ninja which she still furious after watching her little brother been taken away. She walked up to the fat teenager who was cowering around the corner. 

"Where is my brother?" She growled.

"You'll never find him." The fat teen replied.

"Hehehe....Maybe I didn't make myself clear." She grabbed him on the collar before having their faces close, eye to eye. The fat teen saw the horror in her eyes which he can dead souls whirling around before he was brought back from reality.

 The fat teen saw the horror in her eyes which he can dead souls whirling around before he was brought back from reality

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"I'll say it again; WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!" She said with threatening look.

"He's in the prison cell....I-I'll take you to him so please don't hurt me." The fat teen said, trembling in fear.

Back to the present

"Nevermind that. C'mon, Let's get out of here before those guys get here." Jacey said, reaching her hand out to her little brother but he didn't take it.

KND Operation: B.A.B.Y.S.I.T.T.E.RWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu