Chapter 7

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The invitation arrived in the mail this morning. It has sat on the kitchen counter, taunting me. The audacity he has to send me an invitation to his wedding to another girl.

I have yet to open it. The gold seal with the royal insignia unbroken. My name was written in perfect penmanship I recognize as his. It sits in front of me as I stare at it. No one in the house is aware of it yet, and I am too afraid to touch it. Instead, I stare at it as if I can see right through the thick paper.

The stairs creak announcing someone was coming down. I turn my head to see Celeste, her hair pulled back from her face as she yawns. It does not take her long to realize my position, and the thing sitting in front of me. I watch as her face goes from wonder to disgust in a matter of seconds.

"I hate to say this, but I am surprised you did not get the letter earlier," she says as she opens the refrigerator and pulls out the pitcher of lemonade.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I push the letter away and stand up. The rest of the house will be awake soon, so it is best if I start on breakfast.

Celeste pours herself a glass of lemonade as she eyes the invitation. "Mine came in the mail the day I left Waverly to visit," she said.

Well aren't you lucky. I bite back the remark as I pull out the carton of eggs to begin scrambled eggs.

"I'm just surprised I am even invited. I never was Kriss's favorite," I respond as I heat the stove.

Celeste moves out of the way, glass in hand. She picks up the letter and looks it over.

"You haven't opened it yet," she says, more as a confirmation from what she already thought. "Are you going to open it?" She takes the seat which I just vacated and sips on her drink.

"I haven't decided," I respond honestly as I spray the pan and crack a few eggs into the skillet. The egg whites sizzling and cooking in seconds.

"America, you really should open it."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

I look over my shoulder at Celeste as she holds it up.

"Will you at least do it for me?" She asks.

With a huff I leave the stove for a moment to snatch the letter out of her hands. "I will open it, but you will read it."

It was bad enough I had to look at Maxon's handwriting on the envelope. I can't bear to read an entire letter addressed to me.

Celeste gives a smile as I break the seal, and slide the contents out, handing it all back to her.

"Thank you," she says as I turn back to the stove to finish the eggs. She clears her throat and begins to read:

"You are cordially invited to attend the wedding and coronation of Prince Maxon Calix Schreve and Lady Kriss Ambers on June eleventh. Send the attached RSVP letter back to the palace by the designated date."

I hear her out down the letter and pick up another piece of paper.

"Dear America, I would like to invite you to my wedding. Though I am sure you have read the invitation, consider this a friend to friend invitation. I know things have been difficult, but we are still friends, and I still want you to be there on my big day."

I roll my eyes as I pull out plates and silverware, but Celeste continues:

"I would also like to invite you a few days early for a mini reunion. This will only be the Elite so no pressure. Your wardrobe will be provided by the palace for the duration of your stay. I do hope you join me and Maxon on our big day. Lots of love, Kriss."

Plating the scrambled eggs, I slide a plate and fork over to Celeste before digging into my own plate.

"That's a load of crap," I state as I shovel eggs into my mouth.

"There's more. Dear America," Celeste starts before stopping. She places the letter down and looks at me. "You need to be the one to read this one."

Of course I do. Already, I know it's from Maxon.

"I will after breakfast."

Celeste accepts my answer and begins to eat her breakfast. May bounds down the stairs and I quickly gather the papers to hide from her. She takes a plate and sits down next to Celeste who gives her a smile and they begin to talk.

Quickly finishing my breakfast I was off my plate and make my way upstairs to my room. Locking the door for total privacy, I pull the letters out from the waistband of my shorts and set them on the bed, taking the letter from Maxon in my hands.

Dear America,

Words cannot express how terrible I feel. You were right. I regret my decision. Kriss is wonderful, yes, but she is not you. I miss you.

Though I must warn you. There has been strange rebel activity in the capital. (I know you have not been watching the Report so I know you would not be aware of it) I do not want to risk you or your safety. I was against sending this invitation, but it would appear suspicious if it did not go out. So please, do what you see fit, but I would not recommend you come for fear of your safety.

On the other hand, I would love to see you at least once more before I am married. It may be a long shot, and it may be stupid, but I hope you do come if only you deem it safe.

If you do not come, please send word so I know you are safe. I worry.

Give your family my greetings if they are not angry with me. I hope to hear from you soon.

I love you with my whole heart,

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