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"ᴳᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵒᵗˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸᵒⁿᵉ?"


First day of school was finally over and Florence was now laying on her bed, exhausted. That only lasted a couple of seconds before she decided to get up and do her English homework, the only class that had already assigned work. Some time went by while Florence did her homework with music playing in her room. Her phone lit up with a text message notification.

Gin n Tonic 🥂

Mom found a new boy toy already



Is he at least 🔥?

That means hot btw

Ginny left her on read, she groaned at her sister's message back. Florence laughed to herself in her room knowing that she had annoyed her sister because she was left on arm.

When Ginny had come back home, Georgia was yelling at her. Ginny tried to shut the door on her mom's face. Florence rolled her chair back, discreetly peeking out of her room doorway, wondering what the fight was over.

Georgia didn't want Ginny to make the wrong choices and potentially get pregnant. "I've broken my back giving you every opportunity that I never had, so you're gonna throw it all away on the first jerkoff Shawn Hunter wannabe. You know who's sexy? Skinny, nerdy guy in your biology class. Have sex with that guy. Bang future Mark Zuckerberg. Have you learned nothin' from Romy and Michele?"

"Nervous I might tap into your weed supply, Mommy? I'm not banging anyone 'cause I'm not you." Ginny talked back to Georgia, like she would always do.

Florence now had half of her body fully visible from the doorway. "Ginny." She raised her voice down the hall. "Don't talk to mom like that."

Ginny looked at Florence, whose room was across from hers, she then looked back at Georgia. "Did you know that Florence let me sneak off campus? That's also how I saw you hitting it up with that guy today."

"What?" Florence quickly spoke up after hearing her sister. "You're responsible for your own choices Ginny. Don't try to drag me down with you." Now Florence was just mad at Ginny, she was willing to keep her mouth shut about her sneaking off campus.

Georgia shook her head at Ginny, she wasn't mad at Florence, she was mad at Ginny right now. Austin then came out of his room, most likely from hearing all the yelling. "What guy?"

From hearing Austin's voice, Georgia turned around and leaned down to him, giving him the glasses. "Hey, honey. Look, I fixed your glasses." She told him in a more gentle voice.

Standing at her doorway, Ginny continued arguing with her mom. "Why don't you tell Austin, Mom? Tell him how all your promises are shit because you're already getting your hooks into some guy. Don't give me the sob story on the crap you went through so we could have a better life. Frankly, it's boring." Ginny then shut her door closed, leaving Georgia in the hallway with Austin. Austin then also slammed his door too from hearing that his mom was with a guy again.

Florence was still by her door, on her computer chair. She looked down at the ground, thinking of what to say to make her mom feel better. "I just want you to know that I'm grateful for everything that you've done for us."

Georgia gave Florence a small smile and took a deep breath. "Thanks honey, I'm just going to have to deal with this later." Her mom then walked to her own room.

Maybe one of the reason why Florence was so different was because a close friend of hers, Olivia, had strict homophobic parents. Florence always loved her mom but that experience was what really made her happy that her mom was Georgia. Her mom cared for her, tried her best to let her children have a good life and was happy when Florence came out to her.


The entire day of school went by pretty slow. Florence was on her way to walk out of the school building. For now though, she was walking with Esme and Andrea in the halls.

"Okay, Florence, first couple days of school. Got the hots for anyone?" Esme raised a brow while smirking, making Andrea 'ooh' to her.

"Oh no, not this." Florence shook her head, not wanting to talk about the romantic life. "...there is one person who I find different."

Esme widened her eyes with her mouth open, not actually expecting Florence to have a thing for anyone yet. "Really? Ok. Ok. Now you gotta spill."

"Flo, you don't have to tell us if you're not ready." Andrea told her, letting her know that they weren't pressuring her.

Florence breathed out as she wrapped her hands on her backpack shoulder straps. Her eyes landed on Abby who was with Norah and two other guys in the halls laughing.

Esme followed her eyes and stared back at the blonde. "Oh my god! You-"

"Esme, be quiet!" Florence quickly looked back at Esme, nudging her while the three walked out the school halls.

Andrea and Esme were laughing together. Andrea nodded her head, "So you like the little one that hangs out with Max." Andrea didn't really know her, she only knew Max because Max had a crush on her last year.

Esme nodded her head in sync with Andrea, her on the other hand, she knew everyone's name. The girl was also her sister's friend, so it helped out. "You like Abby." Esme's voice was rising but Florence quickly made her lower her voice. They all reached the doors, exiting the school.

Florence walked backwards, facing her friends. "I am proud to say goodbye to you guys, now goodbye."

"You better check the group chat when you get home!" Esme shouted to Florence who then turned around and waved them off.


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