Where it All Started

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I would love to give you a whole background story and every aspect of my life, but I don't have time for that. Let's just say that I would like to say I have it rough, but when I compare it to other people's it just doesn't seem fair.

I guess we can start with my mom. A young impressionable 14 year old girl was pregnant with a baby. Who was me. Now my dad went to the military right before they found out and he couldn't just leave. He promised her to wait for him and he'll marry her when he comes back. She didn't listen though.

Her father was very abusive to her mother and he wouldn't really be in the house, so with her being pregnant and her first love gone she felt that he had just left her. She was never really raised seeing how a man should properly treat a woman. And her mother would always be working three different jobs at a time so she wasn't really around. It would just always be my mother and her two brothers.

Now what they didn't know at the time was that there was a predator in their neighborhood and my mother was his prey. He used the fact that she was alone, pregnant, and had no parental guidance to lure her into his trap. He was in his forties at the time and got her pregnant at the age of  16. As soon as she became legal he married her.

Now you would think since he's much older he would be the money maker, nope. My mother would work all the time while he stayed at the house abusing my brother and slowly grooming me.

And guess what? I had no idea he wasn't my real father. I found out at the age of twelve that my bio dad was forced to give up his rights and wasn't allowed to reach out to me without permission.

A lot of abuse and mind games went on caused by my step father, it wasn't until when my mother turned 28 did she finally realize that it wasn't right and she filed for divorce. Of course my stepfather refused. He did everything to try to scare her away from it. I could go into detail but we wouldn't be able to get to the real story for a really long time.

At this point of the story we're in a really nasty custody battle. Of course my brother and I want to go with our mother but my stepfather claims he never abused as and our mother was manipulating us. The judge declared that one day there was to be a switch off at Quick Trip so my brother and I could go on a visit with my stepfather for four hours. And that's where our story begins.


"I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this." My mom says.

We're currently parked outside of QT not wanting to get out of the safety of our mothers car. We can see my stepdad waiting in his car for us to get out.

"I just really don't want to go, this sucks. Like why do we have to do this." I say trying not to get upset at my mum.

"I know babygirl but court says you have to."

"Fuck court." My brother says.

"Jayvon, you better watch your motherfucking mouth. I know you're upset but respect is still needed to be held."

"Sorry ma, I just don't want to go."

"Yeah" I agree, "He honestly makes me feel so uncomfortable."

"Then tell him that, tell him how you really feel but please don't get smart with him. Now y'all really need to go, I love y'all so much."

"Love you to mommy." I say and give her a hug.

I then step out of the car. Jayvon says goodbye to our mom and he follows me. We then go and lean against the QT wall cause we'll be damned if we go with him.

Someone gets out of my stepdads car but it isn't him. It's his mother. She walks over to us and then ask us for a hug. We politely deny.

So instead of just accepting that and trying to make small talk she gets all pissy about it ask us why and she never did anything to us. I try to explain it's the fact that she keeps trying to push us to go with the man that has abused us all our lives.

She ask me what he's done that I consider abuse. I try to explain how he would beat my brother for no reason and give her more reasons but she basically cut me off and said God wouldn't want for this family to be apart. And I was upset cause why the fuck is she bring God in this.

So if we were gonna bring him up I told her, "And God wouldn't like a grown man sleeping with a fourteen year old."

And she tried to play like I was dumb and asked if I was talking about myself. I told he no and said he did it to my mom. She stepped closer to me so only I could hear her and what she said made me blow up.

"You don't know what you're talking about, you're mom was sleeping around with a whole other bunch of men before my son came around."

She basically called my mother a hoe.

I told that old ass lady that even if my mom was sleeping around I guarantee that it doesn't excuse a 40 year old man to go after a child.

I don't know what happened, I was upset and screaming and she just refused to believe me and told me that I didn't know what I was talking about.

"You weren't there! How could you know? You didn't hear my brother's screams I did! He killed my fucking cat! I don't want to go! You can't make me go! Please don't make me go!"

"Fucking. You said the word fucking." That's all she could focus on and that just made me even more upset.

I couldn't control my emotions, I felt like a little kid. My mother came out of her car for some moral support and help.

"Mother." She said. "You cannot tell my kids what they have or haven't been through. You weren't there. They were."

At that point my stepfather gets out of his car and starts walking towards my mom pointing his finger at her like he was about to do something.

I was scared, I didn't know what was going on.

"You don't talk to my mother! You got my kids calling me a predator!"

"Cause you are a predator Mike! I was 14 and you was 40!"

A screaming match between them occur, all of a sudden my guardian ad liem showed up and told us to get in the car with our mother. I noticed they were causing a scene and a bunch of people were looking at us. Even the QT workers were looking out the door stair style, which was funny to me.

It takes a while for my guardian ad liem to calm them down. She explains that we were to go back home with our mom since we wouldn't go with my stepfather.

My mom gets back in the car with us and apologizes profusely. We tell her it's okay and it's not her fault. Then I take my phone out of my pocket and turn of the recorder. I tell my mom that I've been recording the whole time and that she could use it in court if she has to.

Jayvons upset and it sucks ass cause it's his birthday weekend. When my mom asked him what he wanted to do he said he wanted Bojangles and to spend the weekend at our cousins house. After we drop my brother off my mom and I go to my dads house to inform him of what happened.

And if you're wondering about my dad, after we moved out of the house with my stepdad my mom allowed me to have a relationship with my dad and as it turns out she and my dad have been keeping contact even when my stepdad didn't want her to.

I use the rest of the weekend to recover and school to distract me during the week while we awaited the emergency court meeting which was on Thursday.

Little did I know that day was when my life turned upside down, at least a lot more than it was.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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