Chapter 4 - Games

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Norah's POV:

I woke up as the sun was setting. For a second I'm confused. Where am I? I jolt upwards in the bed. Oh, right. Alexandria. Leaning back against the pillow I sigh heavily and rub my eyes.

I climb out of the bed and make it before walking over to the mirror on the door. I hadn't noticed it until now.

I see my blue eyes staring back. I have a petite nose and some freckles dusted across my face. My hair is messy on one side from sleeping but it's a little past shoulder length, ending right at my boobs. I'm not very tall, somewhere between 5'4 and 5'5. Shorter than Carl.

I turn side to side, admiring myself. For the end of the world I look pretty damn good. I'm wearing the same skinny Jean's that I've had for years, a plain white tshirt and a hoodie from my hometown. Its worn and dirty but one of the last few things I have from my life before. Around my neck is a long chain. On that chain is 4 things; my wishing rock pendant that my mother had given me, a little charm with the initials of my hometown's highschool and my two rings. I'd stopped wearing them on my fingers because I was scared that I'd lose them.

I hear footsteps outside the door and quickly run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to look somewhat presentable. Who'm I kidding, this is the apocalypse, no one cares about looks anymore.

I put on my sneakers once more, just in case, then open the door. The hallway is empty but I can hear voices coming from downstairs. I follow them.

When I reach the base of the steps, I turn right, into the kitchen. It's a big room that is basically the dining room and a kitchen combined. At the table is the other teens eating away at supper. I notice that Carl isnt there but don't think much of it. He did say he spent most nights in his dad's house.

"Hey! Norah! I wasn't sure if you'd be up again tonight, Carl said u were out cold," said Madelyn.

"I'm not used to sleeping much more than 4 hours in a row I guess," I tell them.

"Go on and help yourself," says Tommy through a mouthful of soup. He points towards a pot on the countertop.

"Thanks." I walk over and peer into the pot. "What's in it?"

"Who cares! Its food and its yummy. Good enough for me,"

"Well, I can't eat everything," I admit nervously.

"All it is is some chicken broth from that box and some vegetables from our gardens." Madelyn explains and points towards the empty box of soup broth.

I quickly read over the ingredients until I'm satisfied. Then I carefully spoon myself a bowl and sit down between Madelyn and Mark.

"What is it you can't eat?" Asks Mark politely.

"Wheat. I know. It's a big one. I dont know how I've lived this long honestly."

"Did you say weed?" Interrupts Tommy rudely. "Why the fuck would there be weed in our soup?"

"No not weed," I chuckle. "WheaT. With a T. I'm also allergic to barley. Anaphylactic actually, which basically means that if I eat it I die."

They all stare at me blankly. I suppose it's been a while since they've met anyone with allergies.

"If ever I do eat something I'm not supposed to, I'll get really sick. Throw up a bunch and my throat will close. It's kind of scary but I've gotten used to it. I have my EpiPen on me even though its expired." I lift up the bottom of my hoodie to show my fanny pack.

"Damn," says a voice from behind me.

I turn to see Carl and another girl walking in. She's pretty in the kind of infuriating way. Pretty like the kind of girl you would lose your man to. I feel a sort of hatred towards her as she dishes up some food for both herself and Carl.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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