190. An Omega's solace

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"I'm sorry," Miwa said softly as Ellie began to stir awake.

Hinata shook his head.
"It's okay. Are you sure she will be okay here?" He asked as he began to worry for Ellie's mental state.

Miwa nodded.

"I think it will be good for her... I can't take her back to campus with some of the things that have been going on there, and our parents are leaving in a few days for their anniversary trip," She Replied and ran her fingers through Ellie's hair to help her wake up a bit more. 

Finally, Ellie opened her eyes and looked up at Miwa.

"Are you okay?" Miwa asked quietly. Ellie nodded and sat up and faced Miwa. She stared at Kageyama and Hinata for a moment before reverting her eyes to the floor. Miwa gently grabbed her hand and held it for a second. They heard footsteps coming into the living room and looked up to see Suga, Yachi, and Yamaguchi. 

Suga had a cup of tea in his hand. Yamaguchi had a pillow, and Yachi had a really soft-looking blanket draped over one of her arms. Suga walked closer and sat down beside Miwa.

"I'm Suga, and this is Yamaguchi and Yachi," Suga said, Introducing himself and his two younger companions to Ellie. Both Yachi and Yamaguchi gave Ellie a soft smile and came over to sit next to Suga.

Ellie looked at them, a bit fearful for a moment, before relaxing a little. Suga handed her the tea, careful not to spill any.

"After you drink that Yamaguchi, end Yachi can show you where your room is. If you feel up to it," Suga said in a calm and soft tone, as to keep the timid and Shy girl from having another panic attack.

Ellie nodded slowly as she took a sip of the tea. She glanced over to Kageyama, almost as if she had forgotten that there was still an alpha besides Miwa there. Miwa looked over to her brother and realized the stressed-filled demeanor he had, despite his best attempts to keep his anxiety hidden.

"Does she have a suitcase?" Suga asked, realizing that Ellie should probably take it to her room if she had one. Miwa turned her head to the front door, a little embarrassed that she had completely forgotten about the suitcase that she had abandoned by the door.

Miwa stood up and walked over to the front door and opened it, and there was Ellie's purple Suitcase that had been left in the chaos. She picked it up and brought it into the house, and sat it against the staircase. Hinata stared at the suitcase and back to Ellie and tried to figure out how she could carry something that was almost bigger than her thin build.

"I can carry your suitcase," Hinata offered and revived a rare smile and a nod from Ellie in return. Miwa stood up and offered Ellie her hand to help her up.

After Ellie stood up, Yamaguchi, Yachi, and Hinata followed; all three were excited to show Ellie the room she would be staying in. Miwa nervously watched as Ellie followed the three omega's up the stairs and to the room.

"She'll be okay," Suga said, helping Miwa feel a little more reassured about Ellie staying there; then Suga stood up.
"I should go help Daichi make dinner... Before he ends up asking someone else to help him," he said and headed into the kitchen, leaving Miwa and Kageyama alone.

Miwa stared at her brother for a moment before remembering that she needed to go get some things from the pharmacy for Ellie before she left.

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