3 ➣ The Dreadful Dungeons

Start from the beginning

At that name, Sirius tensed and gritted his teeth, his jaw ticked. She shook his head sharply.

He looked really pissed about something so I didn't bother with him after that. Within five minutes, it became clear just how mad he actually was when he accidentally dropped the glass jar and broke it.

"For fuck's sake," he mumbled, punching the stone floor in frustration.

"You really can't do anything right, can you?" I asked him. Sirius just glared at me.

When I pulled my wand out of my robes, he quickly stood up and said, "Whoa, I'll clean it, don't hex me or anything."

"Shut up," I pointed my wand at the broken glass jar and muttered, "Reparo."

The glasses fixed themselves in a flash.

"Larson, didn't you hear what Slughorn said? No magic."

"What Slughorn doesn't know, won't hurt him," I said, as I picked up the jar and placed it on the shelf. "Since when have you given a damn about rules, Black?"

Sirius sighed and shrugged in a 'Well, you're right,' way.

"Now do you want to tell me why exactly you broke the jar?

"It slipped."

"Slipped?" I repeated in an unconvinced voice. "You haven't even finished cleaning a single row of ingredients, it's been forty minutes already. You look like you've just seen a bloody banshee, is something wrong?"

"Everything's fine," he said stiffly, not meeting my eyes.

"Your face says otherwise."

"Why are you staring at my face, Larson?" He smirked slightly. "Like what you see?"

Why did I even try? I pursed my lips and went back to cleaning out the ingredients on the top shelf as Sirius went back to his own jars.

"She's dating Davies," he said quietly after a few minutes.


"Marlene," said Sirius. "I just found out that she's dating Davies."

That's rough.

"Oh, I am sorry," I said sympathetically. "That must've hurt. . . I've seen the way you look at her. The number of times Potter had to wipe the drool off your chin. . ."

Sirius gave a light laugh.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to take it out on you," he said.

"Whatever," I said, shrugging. "I know what it's like to hear that the person you love loves someone else."

Sirius glanced up at me. "I heard about you and Rosier. Bad breakup, huh?"

"Nuclear," I sighed.

"Rosier's a dick," said Sirius. "Everyone at Hogwarts knows that. Dunno why you liked him in the first place."

"Well, maybe if people didn't start judging me based on my House, and didn't leave me just because I am a Slytherin, I'd probably have better company."

Sirius looked down and fell silent. Serves him right, that bastard. Yes, feel guilty, you git.

"Sirius?" I called after our first flying lesson. He didn't turn around. "Sirius, wait up!" I called more loudly.

"What do you want?" He turned around, giving me an almost disgusted look.

"I- why are avoiding me?" I asked in a small voice.

"I don't want to be friends with you," he said coolly.

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 ☽ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now