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Prologue|October 2018

Grabbing her clutch off the bed, she hurried out of the door and into the waiting custom black Bentley that held her cousin, Princess Beatrice of York, and her aunt, Sarah, Duchess of York.

Adrienne registered a few photographers snapping photos of her. She gave a small absent-minded wave and waited as the police escort put on his helmet and started his motorbike.

She slumped back in her seat. On either side of her, the crowds were cheering and were looking at her.

"Adrienne, sit up. This is your royal come back, and you don't need the paparazzi photographing you slumped over in your seat." Her aunt Sarah said.

"Yes, ma'am," Adrienne said, sitting up and putting on a smile for the crowd.

"Are you ready to face the family?" Her cousin Beatrice asked.

"No, but is anyone ever really ready to do something?" Adrienne replied.

"Do not worry, Adrienne; everyone will be so delighted to see you after all these years," Sarah said.

"Okay, am I sitting next to Harry or you, Beatrice?" Adrienne asked.

"Next to me," Beatrice answered.

Finally, the car pulled smoothly up to the steps that led into the Chapel. Without waiting for the driver to open the door, Adrienne climbed out with all the grace of an elephant. She approached the large doors as she walked in alongside her aunt and cousin.

"Welcome, Your Royal Highness." The man in the official uniform responded.

Adrienne smiled and walked in. She smiled and waved at the few people who looked her way before taking a seat next to Beatrice, who sent her a quick smile before facing forward.

Soon she was instructed to stand for the bride's entrance, and a swell of music filled the Chapel.

Eugenie looked beautiful when she finally came into view. It had taken her six minutes to get to where Adrienne could see her, but it was worth the wait. Adrienne could tell she was shaking slightly, causing the bouquet in her hands to seem to shiver.

Her dress was very different.

The dress, a long-sleeved ivory gown with a flowing train, folded shoulders, and a low back, revealed scars from a back operation the princess underwent, aged 12. With no veil, she chose to accessorize with the Greville Emerald tiara (borrowed from her grandmother, the Queen) made her look even more incredible. She seemed to glide.

She reached Jack, who took her hand. They both smiled.

The congregation sang a hymn, which Adrienne didn't know the words to, and was then seated.

The bishop then began the ceremony with some speech on the importance of marriage as an institution both in life, in religion, and the monarchy.

Then the bishop looked up and addressed the congregation.

"So if anyone here present knows of any lawful impediment why they may not be joined in matrimony, I charge you now, in the presence of God, to declare it." The bishop said.

The bishop swept the room with his eyes before satisfied that no one would speak and turned back to his bible.

As the wedding ceremony went on, an aide gave Adrienne the signal to sing her rendition of Elvis Presley Can't Help Falling in Love.

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