Chapter 1: The Right Place

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Chapter 1: At the right time

We all know rumors spread quite fast in the vast multiverse. Over the next days reports started showing up all over the place with rumors of entire AUs of consisting of humans and monsters laying down on the ground, being laid out in a quite bizarre scenario, like a trail of bodies and huge footsteps of the floor.
No dust, no blood. Like all of a sudden they had gone to sleep.
To add to the already crazy situation this had only happened to the most dark, evil and twisted of all AUs. Where there was no kindness, no pacifism, no mercy.

And with the news travelling so fast this has quickly spread to some of the most important beings in this multiverse.
The rumors turned out to be true, but people had yet to witness the one behind all of that and managed to survive.
There were still no answers.


"Dream! You are back! How did it go?" Core asks.
"It's just like I had feared. Whatever is happening got the bad sanses too. How does someone just take out Horror, Dust and Killer just like that?"
"And Nightmare?"
"No sign of him. I just hope he is..." Dream shakes his head. "Nevermind."
"Do you think he made it out or… is he the one behind this?"
"N-No… Nightmare would never take out his crew." Dream paused for a moment. "This doesn't make sense. No, it is clearly someone trying to eliminate... evil, I think. Just in a very… very radical way. They sure are pacifists otherwise they wouldn't be putting everyone to sleep."

"What are you going to do now, Dream?"
"My heart says go search for Nightmare… but my head is saying go find however is behind this. And that is probably the right thing: bad or not, no one should get hurt."
"Well good luck then!"
Dream nods. "Thank you."


Meanwhile, Ink had been busy too, searching day and night for the culprit. No one had the right to mess with an AU's story.
Then again he didn't use negative emotions like anger very often, but that could quickly become a problem if it spread to other types of AUs.
He just knew that Error needed to have something to do with this. He had no solid evidence whatsoever but he knew he was somehow right. He could feel it in his lime covered pinkie!

Despite all his best efforts he was either at the wrong AU or was already too late. So he had decided to camp near a genocide AU in hopes the thing or the someone would come to him instead.
He knew it was something big so it seemed like it was hard to miss.

On some AUs he had visited however the footprints left by the culprit seemed to be smaller, someone almost the size of a normal person.
Whatever that all was,it couldn't be a good thing that it seemed to be getting bigger.


Dream opened a portal as he landed on the snow. He shivered as his boots could only cover so much to keep the cold out.


Out in the wild both skeletons saw moviment. It seemed to come from the other side of a bush so they carefully walked towards it.

"GOTCHA!" Ink screams trapping Dream inside a ball of ink.
Dream uses his spears to burst through and both skeletons make eye contact.

"Oh… It's you..." They said annoyed and with one awkwardly avoiding looking at the other.

As they were starting to put down their weapons they felt a distant shake.
Some of the birds around the area started fleeing and the rocks and snow on the ground would bounce along to the shaking. The trees were waving madly, people were screaming in the distance, entire buildings seemed to be collapsing and to make things worse…

The sound of footsteps was getting louder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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