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"Hey....Hey can you hear me? Your not dead yet arent you?" A voice asked as he repeated slapped me.

Opening my eyes I saw it was that guy that killed the 40 year old guy at the mansion....Jeff.
"DAYUUUM! She got some body!" A voice from below me said.
Looking down I saw it was the boy that came out from the t.v...Ben.
"Dont even think about it Ben. If slendy finds out what your thinking he will kill you." A voice I never heard before stepped out of the shadow....
"The names E.J for Eyeless Jack." He said as black ooz comming out of his mask.

"She's calling me..." I said looking around for her.
"She?" E.J asked when Jeff freed me from the pipes as I fell into his arms.
"She's calling me." I said again and suddenly without thinking I stood and started walking towards slendy's and offenderman's fight.

"She's calling me..." I repeated.
"Slendy! She's lost it!" E.J yelled running.
It was that moment when Offender threw a huge debis towards slender as I walked on.
"OH FUCK! Is she pancaked?" Jeff asked running towards E.J.
As the dust cleared up Slendy was bleeding black blood all over as he looked down on me.
"Are you okay?" He whispered in my thoughts.
"She's calling...." I said seeing the necklace fall out of slendy's suit hanging between us.
"It will be over soon." I said placing my hand on his face.
"No, you'll loose all your memories." He said as he coughed up black blood.
Even though he had no features I could tell he was hurting.
"I love you...I might not remember anything but I always loved you." I said as my eyes became blurry of tears.
"I love you...." He said holding onto my face and as we kissed I grabbed the necklace off his neck.

I dont remember what happen next but I was floating in darkness.
Watching my parents torment me with their words, seeing the look in their eyes wanting me to go away.
Seeing myself crying and pushing myself to impress them.
Then they sent me to my grandparents for 6 months each year. Until I was 5.
My grandparents thought I was a product of their child's failure since mom dropped out of school.
I saw my grandparents hitting me with a plug wire.
My grandmother kicking me for not folding the clothes right.
My grandfather slamming my foot on the door for taking too long to go to him.
It wasnt until they forced me to go into the woods one day. I knew they were hoping I never came back, I was scared.
But if I didnt go into the woods I never would have met him.
I saw him helping me out of the hole I fell in.
So after that day I always met with him where the hole was.
We played hide and seek. He tell me about his brothers and family. I told him about my parents and my grandparents but I didnt say anything about the abuse because I was afraid he stop beinh my friend.
Each day was like a dream of happiness.  He brought me to the mansion and we explored it together. We played in the garden and he told me that kid form wasnt his true form. I was happy. It wasnt until I came home late and my grandparents beat me so hard that I was in a leg and arm cast for weeks. But I couldn't stand being alone I went to him and he knew immediately what had happen he tells me to stay longer or just live with him. I wanted too. But I was afraid he grows to hate me like everyone else.
So we did one last exploring together and we found it. The necklace was in the attic. As soon as I saw it I felt that I had to touch it. Slendy then said he always protect me and clipped it onto me.
The next few days were blurry as I fought back against my grandparents. I was angry. I needed them to suffer the way I did.
And after the incident when slendy bit me my hair grew so long that it was dragging on the floor and it was abnormal for a 5 year old.
I saw slendy one last time.
"Who are you?" He asked ready to attack.
"What are you talking about, its me." I said smiling.
"No your not. What did you wish for?" He asked angrily.
"Nothing." I said twirling the necklace.
"Give it back." He said opening his hand.
"What? No!" I said backing away.
As soon as he lunges forward my hair acted on instinct and clawed his arm.
Seeing his bloody arm made me smile. I knew what I wanted to see. Running away from him as he called out.

I walked into the cabin. My grandparents ready to hit me. I was angry and I wanted them to bleed.
The next thing I knew is their voices pleading for their life and I was laughing.
Then as suddenly as the rush came I was being held down by slendy in his adult form. His tentacles held me in place and he cut my hair. I started screaming in pain and as swiftly as he was he cut his hand and placed it over my mouth. I couldn't do anything but drink his blood as he bit down on the healed scars on my neck from last time.
Everything started getting fuzzy.

These memories continued to encircle around me over and over until it started forming into a 5 year old me with long hair.
"I waited for you." She said smiling innocently.
"Now I know why I had no memories of Slendy or this place." I said.
"Your desire had changed in the past years." She said looking at me strangely.
"Of course, im all grown up now." I said kneeling towards her.
"I know we had a rough childhood but I learned to love myself. I learned to stand up. I learn yo accept things as they are. I love slendy and so do you. If I have to give up my entire memories to be with him the okay. But eventually youll be alone again. The price before was your memories but im different now. I just want to protect slendy and everyone that is important to him." I said seeing her red eyes cry normal tears.
"To keep his memories you have to give up your life as a human." She said.
"That means youll forget your parents, your grandparents, your friend amy, and everything you worked for. Your humanity is the price. Your gonna have to kill to survive." She said opening her hand.
Without hesistating I agreed.
"I dont care about anything else. Slendy was the only person that accept me then I will devote my whole life to him." I said standing up.
"You have to want to be with him with all your being." She said finally before placing her hand on mine.
Pain shot through me over and over as if I was being burned alive. The heat was so intense and for a second I almost forgotten what my reason for living was.

When I woke up I was looking at the top of a black bed canopy. Sitting up I felt like I been sleeping for years and my body felt so weak as if it wasnt my own body. Standing up I staggered foward catching myself onto a fancy drawer.
Where am I? I whispered as I pulled myself foward as I fell in front of the big open full body closet mirror I was horrified.
Screaming so loud I heard so many crashes comming down the hall.
The first person to open the door was teenage boy in a green tunic. The moment he looked at me his face went from white to pale and his red eyes got bigger than before.
"BEN! WHAT HAPPEN?" A voice asked hearing his footsteps comming down the hall.
I crawled to a corner feeling my long hair retract into a sphere around me.
"Um, I dont know." The boy Ben said as he opened the door wider.
Another teenage boy looked in and even with no eyelids and a carved smile he was surprised.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He said comming in.
"Stay back!" I yelled as my hair attacked them.
"Hey! HEY! HEY!" He yelled pulling out his knife.
"Um, do you remember us?" Ben asked hiding behind the joker looking boy.
"No, I dont think we met." I said.
*sigh* "Yep, your bat shit crazy lady." Joker boy said.
"He's Jeff and I'm Ben. Slendy asked us to keep an eye on you." Ben said.
"Slendy? Were is he?" I asked relieved that I know someone.
"He's out. How bout you retract you hair claws and we show you around." Ben said picking up his hand.
"Um, okay." I said hesistating.
Walking around with Ben he showed me his games and introduced me to his sister sally.
"Isnt she...." Sally was about to finish her sentence when another girl name Jane walked in 3 feet away when she freaked out.
"Crazy Fuck! She turned into a slender?!" She yelled the moment Slendy walked in behind her.

[Yay! Chapter seven finally finish! Had writers block so I had to wait awhile. I hope you like it even though I wanted to put more. Again I apologize for mispelling or wrong grammer usage. I hope the story is good and not too -Bleh-. Thank you for reading.]

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