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"Are you okay?" A Voice called down the hole.
"Im scared." Crying as I curled up into a ball. As the pain on my scraped knee didnt help.
"Its okay." The voice called.
"I will help you out but promise you wont get scared." He said.
"I promise." I said looking up.
It was then a snake like tentacle came down and wrapped around my waist.
Comming up it was then that I saw him.
A little boy dressed in church clothes. He had tentacles comming out of his back and he had no face.
He placed me down and he retracted his tentacles.
"Are you going to run?" He said.
"How are you talking with no mouth?" I asked cerious of the faceless boy.
"Ahaha, I can talk in your thoughts and read your mind." He said.
"REALLY?! So cool!" I said amazed as I took a step foward. He took 3 steps back.
"Are you afraid of me?" I asked...sad that he moved back.
"Hehehe, no child. You should be the one afraid." He said sounding lonely.
"Why? You saved me so your my prince." I said stepping foward again and as he tried to block me from going to him with his tentacles. I just held onto one of them.
"Will you be my friend?" I asked not letting go.
"Sure..." he said hesistantly.
"Whats your name?" I asked.
"Slenderman." He said sitting down against the tree.
"Okay I will call you slendy." I said sitting down close to him.

I woke up in the cabin and I as I recall the memories of what happen last night I started to shake in fear.
I pushed the shaking feelings knowing that I had to find out why do I remember that faceless man. Or boy at the time.

By midafternoon. I searched the entire cabin of my grandparents and found nothing that indicates I was there as a child. I was so hungry that I started to rummage through my boxes in search for food. Instead of food I found a photo of my parents and me when I was 5 in the city. I never noticed it before but as I inspected the photo I was wearing bandages over my left sholder and around my neck. I was wearing a necklace that the pendant was old. It was circle and had an x mark in the middle.
"Why cant I remember? What happened?" I thought spilling out the boxes to find that necklace.
"Why cant I find it?!" Getting agitated. It was then that my stomach growled.
Opening the fridge there was a note stuck to a bunch of food.
"Dont forget to eat. -Amy"
Ahaha She filled it without me knowing. She's always been taking care of me. I thought that I should call her as I ate a bunch of sandwiches and hot pockets.
Looking for my phone I couldnt find my jacket from last night.
Shit! Shit! OMG! Dont tell me I dropped it or one of those people took it. Oh god! Should I call the cops? And tell them what? I walked into a mansion in the middle of the woods and caught a bunch of killers that killed someone. I thought realizing how crazy it sounded.
As I began to pace nervously my neck started to burn and I started to feel really hot.
Taking asprin and taking my temperature at 110* I stumble my way to the room stripping off my clothes. It was then that I noticed the same symbol as the necklace on the photo searing red on my skin.
"What's....what's happening?" I stuttered as I began to fall back. Expecting to hit the floor I felt like I was floating and softly placed onto my bed. He was here.
Slenderman was here. I thought blushing as my arms felt heavy and couldnt move to cover myself I could feel my face blushing when he came into view.
"Sle...slen...slendy." I forced the words out not knowing why.
"You arent suposse to come back." He said sounding really sad for some reason.
"It will be okay." He said covering me.
"It will be over soon." His voice whispered in my thoughts as his mouth tore open revealing sharp teeth and with his tongue he licked the burning mark.
Screaming in pain. He held me down as he continued.
STOP! STOP! STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! I thought unable to move my body tears streamed down my eyes making everything blurry and just when I was about to give up. The pain stopped. I still couldnt move my body and as darkness evaded me. He wiped my tears away and gently holding onto my face.
"I missed you so much." Was the last thing he said.

"Slendy! Where are you?" I called out walking through the mansion. It was a week after he gave me his necklace. I wanted to give him something. I thought as I opened the door to his studies.
"If slenderman finds out that your messing with his things your seriously gonna get killed."  A soft stern voice said.
"Oh, come on. He still obssess on phase changing that he's neglecting the woods. Just yesterday I almost got seen by hikers, especially males. I keep telling him to make a proxy because of things like this happening. "  Another deep voice responded....
I didnt know what was happening to my body when I opened the door fully as both males looked at me.
"Well well, a little rabbit wandered into the lions den." One male stood up. He was wearing a black fedora hat, a black coat. Black pants with black combat boots. He looked like slendy but he had a mouth. I didnt know why I was amazed by him and I couldn't stop myself from staring as I stood there.
"Come here, little rabbit." He said and just as I was about to go to him the other man stood up.
"Offender, thats enough. Slender will be pissed." He said picking up his hand.
"It his fault and trender....remember the last time you got in my way."
Offender said  waiting. The moment Trenderman dropped his hand he opened his hand out to me.
"Come on." He smiled.
I couldnt stop myself. I was moving and  and I was scared.
Slendy, where are you? I cried as I walked into offender's arm.
I didnt know what happen next and when I looked around Trenderman was nowhere around. I was inside a red room.
"I dont usually go for kids under 14. But since slender made me wait. Its his fault and he should know im a very impatient man when waiting for another male." He said sitting on the bed.
"Now strip." He ordered.
"I...I dont know." I stuttered.
*sigh*  "take off your clothes." He said again.
I dont want...I dont want...I thought as my hands started removing my ribbons on my sholders.
It was then that the red door behind me blasted in with slenderman standing with all his tentacles out.
"You finally showed up brother." Offender said grabbing me with his tentacle as he lifted me off the ground.
"What's with that puny little boy look?  If you want her back you have to fight me at full form." Offender said .
But slenderman didnt listen he started attacking but offenderman just dodges most of his hits and with one tentacle offender wacked slenderman and he flew out the door crashing out the window of the second floor.
"Brother if your not serious. I will take her for mine." Offender said.
It was then that slenderman was as tall as the mansion.
Offenderman threw me onto the bed and ran after slenderman.
The fight ended after half of the house and garden was destroyed.
I stumbled out to find slendy. I thought i found him but it wasnt. He was taller and he wore a suit of a man.
"Sl-slendy?" I called out but as slenderman turned black blood ran down the side of his head. He had sharp fangs as if he tore open his mouth. His tentacles were ready to strike.
I didnt know what was happening and the next thing I knew I was running. blood flowing down my neck and shoulder.
"Im sorry...." was what he repeated over and over even after the mansion was no longer in sight.

(Chapter 3-I did alot of research on the slender brothers and there has been alot stating that offenderman was the oldest and other stated that slenderman was the oldest. I didnt specify it so I just made it seem as if both we're on par with strength in fighting skills. I didnt want to make offenderman offend a 5 year old because that be going against his whole character as someone who only offends 14-up girls.)  Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for grammar or any part boring or repeated.

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