A Small Explosion [ Albedo x Reader ]

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"Yes?", Albedo answered without taking his eyes off the papers he's reading. As usual, the Chief Alchemist was lost in his experiments and left you, his lover, sitting alone in the corner of his lab.

"I'm so bored, do you need to get anything from Dragonspine ? ", you asked while putting back the book that you took out of boredom earlier.

"Not really, I've collected everything during last week's expedition," he sighed and looked at your eyes as he put down his papers. "I'm sorry, but this experiment is almost done, just hang in there for a while, okay, love?". His soft hands caressed your cheek gently.



Suddenly, the lab door flung open and a little girl with pigtails came running towards the both of you.

"Albedo nii-chan, (y/n) nee-chan, do you want to play with Klee?"
The Spark Knight's eyes gleamed with excitement.

You chuckled softly, and pat the little girl's head.
"Of course. But it would only be the both of us, since Albedo needs to finish his work,"

"Yes Klee, go with (y/n) first. I'll catch up with you once I'm done" Albedo crouched down and smiled at the excited little Klee.

"Okay then. Come (y/n) nee-chan, we'll have lots of fun today. Bye bye Albedo nii-chan,"

You waved at Albedo as Klee dragged you out to play.

A small laugh slipped off Albedo's mouth before he went back to his pile of papers.


Albedo stacked up the results of his experiments as he glanced out of his window.

"The sun is going to set, I should check on Klee and (y/n),"

He was walking out of the Knights of Favonius headquarters when he heard a loud boom from outside the city walls.
Alarmed, he rushed out as fast as he could, trying to find the both of you.

"(y/n)!! Klee!! Where are you? "

Then he saw two figure by the Starfell Lake, picking up fish meat as they giggled.

"(y/n) nee-chan, let's make this our little secret. Grandmaster Jean will lock Klee in solitary confinement if she knows",
said Klee as she looks at you with puppy eyes.

"Of course, no one should know about our little Overloaded fish blasting method," you chuckled, holding the huge pile of fish meat back to town.

"... Seems like you guys have a lot fun,"
A familiar voice startled both you and Klee. Carefully looking to your back, Albedo was there, standing behind you and smirking.

"Uh...Albedo, darling, this is not what you think it is..." you stuttered, Klee hiding behind you.

"Hmm, is that so? Then, I must let Grandmaster Jean judge what this is," said Albedo as he walked away from the both of you, trying to hide his laugh.

"EEEH?! WAIT!! ALBEDOOO!! LET'S TALK THIS OUT," you panicked as you ran and  held his arm, only to see him laugh uncontrollably.

"Dear Archons, if only you can see yourselves. It's alright, I won't say anything to Grandmaster Jean, only on one condition,"
He smirked.

"Fine, what is it,"
You sighed.

"Cook the fishes for dinner, I miss your delicious cooking, love," Albedo said, kissing your cheek before he carried Klee on his arms.

You felt your cheeks heating up as it went tomato red. Albedo chuckled in satisfaction looking at your blushing face, holding your hand as the three of you walked back to Mondstadt.


༄ 𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ☘︎Where stories live. Discover now