Chapter 11

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*7 Months Later*

"Come On Love, get up." Elijah said.

"I'm not ready!" I said still lying down.

"We've talked about this for the past 10 months Love" Elijah said.

"And You've also been only calling me Love for the past 10 Months" I said.

"That's because you are my Love" he said lifting me up.

We Had totally put back our sibling relationship behind. We were living as if husband and wife for the past 3 Months, and Marcel had stepped down from fighting us. Now currently our problem was our mother who was trying to jump all of our bodies and trying to cure Vampirism, she had already succeeded for me and I was trying to fix my pendant, and I got a huge lead, I decided to do the Spell after I had given birth to Evie and Spencer. All we knew of their supernatural status currently still was that Spencer was part werewolf and both of them were part Vampire. Evie was something else, full Vampire or part witch, we were to find today.

*September 25, 2014, 8:43*

Evie was born first, and then Spencer. Hope was more excited than any of us, she was happy that her cousins were not born in the huge circumstances as herself, I had to admit, we all were happy that Evie and Spencer were not born under the same circumstances as Hope, but! Breaking news: We're Mikaelsons! Something always happens when a new one is born! And that was the fact that Elijah and I were Siblings.

"Congrats you two" Hayley said walking in the others.

"I hope that you two are going to back to being siblings again, because I cannot stand the two of your romance" Nik said.

"I don't think we both are ready to just yet Niklaus" Elijah said sitting beside me holding Spencer.

"He's right, Past love memories plus 10 Months being lovers again is easy to get used to" I said as Hayley took Evie in her hands.

Word spread through Vampires about more Mikaelson children, it spread so much that it reached Mystic Falls and Stefan, Damon, Elena and Caroline came rushing to New Orleans a few days later.

"You didn't even think to call us about it?" Stefan asked.

"I Wasn't in the mood to after finding out I wasn't a Salvatore" I said sitting in the corridor with Stefan and Damon.

"You said it yourself, we're still best friends" Damon said.

"I Guess I should have called, sorry you two" I said hugging the both of them.

"It's Fine" they said in unison.

"How's things in Mystic Falls? Any Villains after I not knowingly kept Nik and Elijah here?" I asked.

"Many. We were really glad you didn't come back" Stefan said.

"Like Who?" I asked.

"Hmm Let's see, the psychotic 2000-year-old Doppelgänger of mine Silas, Katherine came back alive again, and I don't remember, there's too much" Stefan said making me laugh.

"What are you going to do about your mortality?" Damon asked.

"I Have a spell lead, and also just for backup Elijah's going to turn me again, can't live without being a Vampire" I admitted.

"Now that sounds like me" Damon said nudging.

"Would you come here for a minute Love?" Elijah called me from the kitchen.

"Why does he still call you Love?" Damon asked.

"None of your business Damon" I said getting up.

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