Regulus sat down and all of a sudden had became extremely fidgety and nervous. Mr Potter could see that he was very nervous.

"Regulus is everything ok, has something happened?"

Regulus's mouth went dry, this was the only way he could do it, it didn't make it any less daunting for him though.

"I would like to tell you something but I don't want it to change the way you think of me" Regulus was extremely scared that they were going to think less of him.

Mr Potter knew. He had known ever since Regulus had gotten there and he had caught a glimpse of Regulus sneaking into James's bedroom in the middle of the night. He had realised though that they could come out and tell them when they are ready.

"Regulus" Mr Potter could see how much he was struggling.

"Yes" Was all he could get out.

"I know"

"You know?"

"I saw you sneaking into his room in the middle of the night"

"You didn't say anything"

"I thought Regulus that as you are right now would tell me when you were ready, I couldn't force it out of you"

Regulus seemed lighter like he wasn't hiding so much anymore. He was still nervous as to what he was going to ask but he knew things would be ok.

"Your not disappointed?"

"At what the fact that my son has found someone that will love him unconditionally as he loves them?"

"What if I'm not good enough for him?"

"You are my son, I cant see him to be this happy with someone else."

Regulus knew he just had to come out and ask. He took the ring box out of his pocket and put it on the table.

"I wanted to ask you something" Regulus was nervous.

Mr Potter knew what was coming but didn't think that it would come so soon.

"We are young and I completely understand that but I need to tell you that I'm done the boys, the parties they don't mean anything to me anymore. Without even realising he has become my whole world, he has made me want to live again. James is it no one else will ever compare to him."

Regulus had started to become extremely nervous thinking that maybe Mr Potter would say no due to where Regulus had come from but Regulus wrong he had nothing to worry about.

"You really love my boy"

"I do sir"

"Will you do whatever it took to protect him and love him unconditionally?"

"I will"

"Then I have no other choice then to say yes."

"Do you really mean that?"

"You are the greatest gift my son has ever received, I will never be able to repay you for what you have been able to give my son. You are like my son I will always be so happy for the both of you."

Regulus got up and hugged Mr potter.

"Thank you for letting me love your boy"

"Thank you for loving my boy"

Regulus ran off to go find James and left Mr Potter standing in the kitchen smiling.

Regulus found James still sleeping but he had one more person to tell before James and that person was Remus. He found Remus sitting in the room that he shared with Sirius.

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