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It had been two weeks since Regulus had gone to join his brother at the Potter's house. He never realised that he would be gaining a family with people that actually loved him for who he was.

It had also become a Regular occurrence that Regulus would go to sleep in his own bed and wake up the next morning next to James. James usually woke up first but not on that particular morning.

Regulus was sitting out with Remus in the backyard just talking about things that had been going on with them.


"Yes Regulus"

Regulus took a sip of his coffee.

"If someone had told you that this is what life was going to look like would you have believed them?"

"Not at all Regulus"

They sat together like that for a few more moments before the others had woken up.

"MOONY WHERE ARE YOU I NEED KISSES" Sirius yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Wow Remus I think you might wanna go take care of that, he seems to be in dire need of your love" Regulus chuckled.

"Haha Reg, what about James?"

"He is a big boy that knows how to walk he can come find me if he is that desperate, I'm quite comfortable where I am."

Remus then laughed a little before walking away inside to try and find the wailing Sirius.

James had woken up in a momentary panic as Regulus was not there but then Remus had told him that he was still outside while walking past to find Sirius. James had put on his warmest sweatpants and hoodie to go out and find him.

"Finally Reggie I found you" James sat down on the bench next to Regulus in a huff.

Regulus leant over and put his head on James's shoulder. Nothing could have prepared him for the life that he now had. He had someone that loved him and he had a family, he couldn't have asked for anything else.

"Is it ok if I go into Diagon Alley today I want to pick up a few things, I especially wanted to buy your parents a gift. They didn't have to take me in but they did and I want to show them how much I appreciate it."

Sometimes Regulus did things or asked permission to do things that didn't really need permission asking for doing.

"Reggie, you can do whatever you want to, I was honestly just going to go lay in bed and watch some old movies so you can go its ok" James kissed Regulus on the cheek. He wanted their first kiss to be special and he definitely was not going to rush Regulus. He like him and wasn't going to jeopardise it and do something that wasn't even that major. Regulus ran off to floo into Diagon Alley.

And James did exactly what he said he was going to do, he went and got something to eat and then went back to bed to watch old movies while he waited for Regulus to get back but somehow he managed to fall asleep halfway through the second movie.

Regulus had always wanted to buy the potters a thank you gift for taking him in but he did have ulterior motive and once he fulfilled those he apparated back home.

He walked into the bedroom to Find James fast asleep so he knew that he had time to execute his plan. He knew that what he wanted to do was crazy, they had only been together for a few weeks. But he would never do it without asking Mr and Mrs Potter.

He had left James sleeping in bed and went downstairs and found Mr Potter sitting at the table eating lunch while Mrs Potter was out doing some shopping.

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