"My goodness! What's happened?!" Flora asked

"Mal are you okay!?" Aurora asked. My arm started burning and Aurora and Phillip saw the symbol on my arm glowing in red

"We have to see fairy Godmother." Phillip said

"Yes. Definitely." Aurora replied

Hopefully Fairy Godmother can figure out what the heck is wrong with me

Evie P.O.V

I ended up moving in with Snow White, her Prince and The Dwarfs considering it would be a better place to stay then in the dorms especially since Mal moved out of the dorms to live with Aurora and Phillip.

"Snow thanks for letting me move in. You don't know how much better living here is then the dorms. I mean living in the dorms wasn't Bad, its just I didn't wanna get lonely with Mal moving out of the dorms to live with Aurora and Phillip and Audrey you know?" I said

"Oh yeah! Anytime. Just remember if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me." Snow Said

"I should probably be heading to school before Im late." I replied

"Do you need me to drive you?" Snow asked

"Oh no! Im fine. I can walk there myself." I replied

"Okay..I love you Evie."

"Love you too Snow."

I walked out of the cabin and started walking towards the school when I suddenly felt my left arm shaking and burning.


I grabbed ahold of my arm trying to get it to stop shaking when I saw some sort of symbol being burnt on my arm. I had no idea what it was but I was a little scared. I thought to myself, what if the others are getting this symbol too? Is it our Parents doing this?

Thats when I heard a all familer voice.

"OH EVIE..."

I froze in my tracks and turn around and saw no one there. Am I loosing my mind? Suddenly the trees started growing taller and taller and everything turned dark, almost like when Snow ran into the forest and saw all those scary faces.

The Scary forest revealed itself to be a beautiful forest with a bunch of sweet animal friends. Maybe its the same case here.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case as thorns started growing out of the ground, red eyes started appearing. Bats started flying around everywhere. I tried pinching myself to see if I was asleep but nope I was awake and everything that was happening to me was real.

"Hello? Anyone?! Snow? Florian? Doug? Anyone?"

I look down to my arm to see it glowing red and it was burning my arm Badly. I shakes my arm trying to get it to cool down but it didn't l. Then my mother's old hag appeared behind me as the surrounding turned to a cliff with a tree with one apple hanging and a blood red sky

The old hag grabbed the apple and started walking towards me

"Eat my precious apple! (Cackles)! Come on!! Take a bite!"


I backed away until I stopped myself from falling off a cliff. The old hag shoved a apple in my face

"(Cackles) Eat my child!!!! Eat! A apple a day keeps your life away (cackles)"

"Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!"


I bursted awake on the sidewalk. Snow was sitting beside me looking horrified

"What happened!?" I asked

Descendants 4: Heros and VillansWhere stories live. Discover now