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Surname:Rikunai(was Gremory)
Powers:Shapeshifting,Blood curse,Psychotic rage,Titan evolution,Sayin Rose,Ghoal exhibit,Berserk control,painless and Forbidden sence.

Scared Gear:The Great Dragonic eyes.

Species: Pure bread Devil
(Before experiments)
2% human,10% demon,5% Nekushou,5% fox yokia,5% angel ,8% pure experiment,10% Sayin, 10% dragon and 45%  devil.
This allows you to have  demon form,angle form,yokia mix form,all sayin transformations, devil form,dragon form,experiment form and calamity form (total mix form).

(Serzech is 3 years older than him but because of experiment I am only 2 years older than Rias.)

Adpotive Mother:Alexandria Rikunai (Botanists)
Adpotive  Father:Yoshimitsu Rikunai(Genitic scientist)
Real mother:Valena Gremory
Real father:Zerticus Gremory

(Hates his father for selling him and saying he died and his mother for not looking for him.)



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