You wear something of hers

958 16 3

Pairing: Jennifer x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

Being sick was truly awful, but what made it even more brutal for you was of the fact that Jennifer wasn't home.

When Jennifer wasn't home, she had no idea how much she was missed. You had been tested positive for the flu by your doctor, and all you really wanted was to cuddle with Jennifer. But that wouldn't be possible at the moment, and so you had to improvise. As you force pull yourself out of bed, you made your way to the walk in closet and pulled one of Jennifer's hoodies off the hanger and slipped it on. It was very soft and smelled like her, making you miss her even more than you already did.

The hoodie you had picked out had come from your most precious memory of the trip to Hunnington Beach, California. It was your favorite vacation spot and it had become Jennifer's after your visit there. Most of the time was spent by just laying around on the beach while enjoying each other's company. As you climbed back into bed, the covers were pulled over you once again and you soon fell asleep without even remember that you had fallen asleep. It felt like only a few minutes had ticked by as you were awakened by Jennifer gently shaking you awake. She had just gotten home and was greeted by your sleeping form, and almost immediately took notice of you wearing her hoodie. She would usually find that adorable, but it actually made her worry even more for your well-being.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, once your eyelids had opened slightly.

"Just a little better now that you're home."

"Are you hungry? Is there anything I can get or do for you?"

You thought about it for a second before scooting over and made room for her to lay beside you. As your hand patted the empty space next to you, she knew what you were wanting and took her place. Once she had settled, she had you in her arms as she started running her fingers through your hair and hummed the tune of your favorite song. Just as quick as you had woken up, you were suddenly starting to feel sleepy all over again.

"Go to sleep, baby. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

At that, you than fall into a peaceful night's rest in your lover's arms.


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