Translate Soup • Reaction

692 43 19

Shouta sat in front of his workspace in the teachers' lounge after school. It was empty and he prefered it that way. He was on his lunch break earlier when he'd gotten a notification about a new video from Talk.

Now, Shouta wasn't one to sit down and watch YouTube, but he had to keep current with the newest trends. Afterall, no one wanted a repeat of the Yeet Incident. A week ago, he'd stumbled upon a channel known as Talk. It quickly became the one channel he was subscribed to.

His adopted son and his student ran the channel. At first, it was surprising to see them having a channel, nevermind a shared one. But that was quickly replaced by dread as he watched how close they were. He wasn't ready for this. The whole dating thing; especially in this situation. Who did he threaten? Both of them?

So that was his dilemma.

He could get how they got along, though. Bakugou was a short fused teen and his kid was on the patiently waited to explode side. And he was sure they could connect on their current mental status. Both were often called villainous. Bakugou in the media and Hitoshi in the class. It would make sense that they could share experiences and understanding.

The only thing he had real questions about were why they started a YouTube channel and most importantly: How did they meet and get close enough to get together? Shinsou never said a word about knowing one of his students, nevermind dating one.

That was beside the point. He hadn't watched many of their videos, he respected their past privacy. But they had just posted earlier, probably some timer scheduled post so that they didn't have to do it during school.

It was surprising at first, to see the two relaxed and laughing; guards down and smiles wide. Shouta felt proud, despite the surprise. They'd opened each other up, made each other happy. And for Shouta, that was the best thing the turnout could've done.

So yes, he did look forward to watching what they got up to on the weekend when he was out patrolling. (He was one hundred percent sure that's when Shinsou snuck off; he was always gone from four pm 'til three am.)

So here he sat. Watching as they announced merch of their chef hats. He never would've guessed that the teen could make such a thing, but then again, Bakugou always proudly announced that he was good at everything; he definitely had many skills under his belt.

"Wrecks along the way" Shouta grimaced, he already knew they'd turn it into some sort of dirty joke.

"The hell? Wrecks? Seven minutes isn't enough time to wreck you" There it was. Though he had expected some sort of joke, Shouta didn't expect that. Especially from Bakugou.

"'Tsuki!" His adopted son shrieked, hiding his face. Shouta could see the pink tint to the teen's face, though. Huh, it wasn't often that the boy got embarrassed. Blackmail material right here. "Don't say that!"

Bakugou smirked and Shouta sighed. Never in a million years would he have imagined that smirk fitting such a situation.

He continued to watch, unaware of how his lips quirked up at the corners. Unaware of the way his eyes brightened, captivated by video.

"Alright so, next step" Shinsou said, holding out a hand. "Is to give me a kiss" Shouta choked on his spit, sputtering. Sure, his son was typically blunt with things, but this? This was a whole other level of him that Shouta hadn't seen. The affectionate, clingy side of the boy. It was both odd and endearing.

Bakugou kissed Shinsou's cheek. "What's the actual next step?" As he was with Shinsou, Shouta couldn't help but mentally picture and compare the two sides. On one side, Bakugou was brash, violent, and insanely competitive most the time. This side, as he's learning, is affectionate, and soft. The two sides mixed in this channel, showcasing a happy, loving teen who had a competitive part that rivaled Shinsou's.

They now played rock paper scissors, a very childish game that somehow fit their personalities.

"You do know that they have already squeezed lemon juice, right?" Bakugou asked his son with an exasperated look. Shouta sighed out an amused breath.

"Yeah, I do. You just look so pretty when you cook" Now, after all the surprises, he could appreciate how the two clicked, teasing and relaxing together.

Bakugou smiled and Shouta couldn't help but let a smile of his own lace his mouth as he watched them interact. Bakugou pulled Shinsou into a kiss. It was still a bit unnerving to see how differently they acted out of school.

Snorting when Bakugou made more inappropriate comments, get continued to watch with interest. His focus had drifted from their relationship and towards the actual point if they video, the soup.

Shinsou took the first spoonful of the soup and immediately grimaced. It looked like he was struggling to swallow it. "Yeah that lemon juice really just... wrecks it"

Bakugou ate his own spoonful and immediately reached for a glass of water. "That is fucking disgusting. I wouldn't serve this to a fly" Shouta couldn't stop the laugh he let out.

"I vote feeding the trash"

"I agree"

Bakugou smiled and waved at the camera. Shouta softly sighed out a breath, the teen's we're so cute when they were themselves. "I hope you guys enjoyed our suffering. The link for the limited edition hats are in the description. I'm 'Tsuki-"

"And I'm 'Sou-"

"And we're signing off" They finished together in perfect sync. Shouta could tell that they didn't have to practice that. It was smooth and without a hint of hesitation.

He scrolled down and clicked the link for the hats. He was considering buying one secretly.

"Woah" Shouta murmured when their much site loaded. There we're all sorts of things. Sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts. And of course, the hats. The hats we're in a banner up top.

*Limited edition, handmade by 'Tsuki*

If he bookmarked the site, he wouldn't tell.

Word Count: 1028

Ta da~ More 'videos' coming soon

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