Alina hits hit him in the face before he could finish his sentence

Alina says - I've learned to despise you in the last year -
Ethan gets back on his feet and says - The Force told me to find the Margrave Juro. I couldn't drag you with me and ruin your life -
Alina responds - I was in love with you. We could've done that together. What you did to me and the Ulgo family was wrong and you know it! -
Ethan says - We did what we did and there's no turning back, but we can help each other out. Has the One Sith still after the blueprints of the Barrager? -
Everyone asked amongst themselves - Barrager? -

Alina explains -The Barrager was a faulty planetary defense system that was capable of using the Kyber crystals in the core of the planet to destroy entire invading fleets, but at the expense of the planet's core life.- 

Kara responds - Without a magnetic core in the planet, all breathable air would dissipate into space, making the planet non habitable-
Saw then says - I get it. The One Sith want the technology to make a disposable Starkiller Base -
Chaes says - Mi sense Dark Side shroud around planet. Sith Lords close, mi think.  -
Alina asks - Why are you accompanied by a Sith and why does he talk like that?
Ethan responds - He's no Sith. He's a Jensaarai. And he was raised in the Outer Rim. -
Alina then says - We might be able to help each other after all. I happen to know where the Jedi Master you're looking for is, but you'll have to help us to recover our satellite defense system from the hands of the Sith. -
Ethan looks at Saw Skywalker and says - It's your call, Master Skywalker-

Alina sees Saw Skywalker with suspicion. Saw responds - We'll help you out. -
Alina responds - I don't know why Ethan followed you, but I hope you deliver on your promise... Palpatine

Everyone was shaken when they heard about this revelation. Alina says - With our former connections with the First Order, we found out that Grandmaster Rey from the Jedi Order was indeed the granddaughter of Sheev Palpatine. Heir of the Sith Throne

-That's one of the reasons Master Finn Gerrera and Emperor Temiri Blagg formed the Imperial Knights and split from the Jedi Order- she keeps saying.

Saw closed his eyes and says - I am not my family... We will deliver your satellite defense network. And my father Finn was both a Jedi Master and an Imperial Knight Commander.

Saw and his party venture in the wilderness in the war desolate planet. Along the way, Saw stops and says - If anyone want to say something, now's the time -
Chaes says - Sith enemies of mi people. You no Sith to mi. Mi look forward your path with great interest.
Kara says - A Sith wouldn't have tried to redeem Darth Sor back to the light-
Ethan says - You are not your family. You can forge your own path. Believe me, i know-
Lejj says - You were good to my kin and i. You are even worthy of my magick and support-
Kiannya says - The jury's out on this one, but so far your actions reflect the actions of a Jedi. I'll be watching you closely.

Then Ethan gives one of the special Jedi lightsabers to Saw Skywalker. He ignited it and the color of the blade was still yellow.

Saw says - Those satellites aren't gonna be recovered themselves-
Kara says - Yeah! Let's send those boys packing! -

When they see the entrance of the Sith base, they see a patrol of Sith Troopers scouting the area. Two of them were the Jedi Hunters that trapped Lah Kara's father on Hy Izlan

Chaes senses Kara's animosity towards those men

Kara says - Those two kidnapped my father-
Chaes says - They Jedi Hunters. Mi fight they long ago. They trained kill Jedi
Ethan says - They are former Purge Troopers and Shadow Troopers. These assassins that trapped your father feed on the Force. 
Saw then infers - These operatives can sense their prey through the Force—it is like a hunger. They feed... and grow stronger... when they are near Force Sensitives. The stronger their prey is in the Force, the deadlier they become. There's no way we get close to them without them to alert the others-

Then Kara's droid 99-99 went straight for the speeders of the Sith troopers. Sergeant Kiannya Dameron noticed and interrupted saying - Hey, fellas. I think think that little droid is taking care of it -

The little droid sliced the bike's system and activates the bike

The little droid sliced the bike's system and activates the bike

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

One Sith Trooper says - Hey! STOP IT! -

99-99 runs toward the industrial sector and the lower rank Sith Troopers chased after them.  Kiannya says smiling - Not bad for a bucket of bolts -
Lejj then says - Now we can slip by then and... where's Kara?-

She was about to challenge the Jedi Hunters herself

Kiannya says - What are we waiting for?! -

Chaes stops her from shooting and says - This is she's trial. She must face Dark Side sheself -
Kiannya says - By the stars, speak Bocce or Basic(English), please!
Chaes says - She going prevail. Trust mi
Kiannya says - You speak like a Gungan
Lejj says - I know, right? -

Chaes disappeared and Kara faces the two Jedi Hunters as she ignites her lightsaber

Kara says in anger - You know I'm not going to attack first. Run and you'll live -

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