Chapter 1 | A Calling

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Dreariness, confusion, Link, these were a few of the things running through his head as he came into consciousness.

He realized slowly that Link was his name, and it was in his head because there was currently someone calling it to him.

"...Open your eyes..."

His eyes opened, and blue blurs of glowing stone came into view.

"Wake up, Link."

He wasn't sure he could move if he tried, so he settled for laying there as everything slowly came into focus.

Liquid that he hadn't realized he was submerged in started to drain, and his senses started to sharpen as the voice rang clearer.

A little more confident in his ability to move now, he sat up, taking a glance at his surroundings to find that the place was completely unfamiliar. 


It's time...

With a sigh, you stood up from where you sat on the edge of the plateau, turning around, and then letting yourself fall right off the edge.

You guessed now was as good a time as ever to work on your flying skills.


Link found himself standing in front of a strange pedestal, glowing blue with a rectangular device in the center of it.

As if responding to his presence alone, the pedestal shone brighter, and the rectangular device was extended to him. 

Unsure of what to do, it was not long before the voice was heard again.

"That is a Sheikah Slate. Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber." 

Still hesitant, Link reached slowly for the device, worried that perhaps it wasn't as it seemed. 

As he grasped it, sure enough, nothing happened. No explosions, booby traps, or weighted pedestals.

Well, the center started glowing, which startled him slightly, but the momentary surprise was quickly overtaken by curiosity.

A strange device with a glowing center. He'd never seen this device before, and yet... there was something familiar about it.

The pedestal returned to its previous state, lowering and the light dimming. 

What Link had not previously realized was a door opened; perhaps as a result of the device being removed?

Link proceeded into the newly accessible room, looking around for anything familiar or helpful to him.

He was met with the same bleak walls and strange atmosphere, but there were two chests a bit further into the room.

Upon opening the first one, he was met with an old shirt. It was thin, and looked like it had been made long ago. The sleeves were a bit on the short side, and it was coming apart at the seams, but it was better than nothing. 

Slipping on the shirt, it was a pretty snug fit, not long enough to cover his forearms or his hips. 

He was thankful for the slight reprieve from the cold though, this place... wherever it may be, was quite chilly. 

He opened the second chest, finding a pair of well-worn trousers. They were threadbare in some spots, and the legs seemed to be short as well. Though, upon putting them on, Link found they were surprisingly comfortable.

Taking another look around, Link found nothing but some old crates and barrels.

He thought there might be something useful inside the crates, but didn't have any way to open them, so he continued throughout the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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