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Seventeen year old Astaria sits at the breakfast table patiently tapping her fingers— waiting for her breakfast currently being made by her own personal chief so she would call her older brother Alec.

"Would you calm down in there, I can practically hear the wheels in your head turning." Alec gruffly comments turning to face me with pointed eyebrows.

"I am calm." I huff easily irritable at this time in the early morning. "I'm just hungry." I say with fake innocence. My smile was slightly curved with the pout of my lips.

"Well 'hungry'." he mimics my voice childishly. "Could you stop with all the tapping around with your fingers— it's starting to drive me insane." He fake smiled at me while his eyes darted back to the breakfast he was so (not), graciously preparing.

"It's time consuming." I defend myself while I watched him dish my morning breakfast into a bowl "Besides you've decided to take your good old time this morning." I snickered slightly leaning against my the chair I was sitting on, with my legs moderately dangled as the back two legs of the chair were— safely planted on the cold floor while the front two legs of the chair were in the air.

Rolling his Alec sets the hot bowl full of oats in front of me. "You don't even like eating breakfast, I normally have to shove it down your throat." He looked at me giving me a once over with his dark brown eyes. Alec narrowed face screwed up. 'Fess up' his eyes basically screamed.

"Stefan called me this morning, he says they have a plan to get rid of Katherine." I admitted while shrugging as I tried to be nonchalant, but I wasn't doing a very good job at it. I'm a terrible liar, I always have been. At once I safely planted the front two legs of the chair on the ground with an abrupt noise.

He rolls his eye again, his face scrunching up in annoyance at the mention of both Stefan and Katherine's names. "What has Katherine done this time— and what is Stefan doing calling you?" He side eyed me raising an eyebrow.

"Stefan is one of my best friends Alec." I discreetly groaned with a light sigh. "I'm not sure what Katherine has done this time all. I know is both Damon and Stefan want us to meet them at the boarding house." I say clearing my throat slightly from the taste of the oats, Alec made me for breakfast while avoiding eye contact with my brother Alec.

"You know, the whole point of Dad sending us to Mystic Falls was to stay away from trouble. Not run to it." He gave me the typical older brother look. "If Dad was to find out we're getting involved in this type of drama, he'd drag us back to New Orleans." Alec sighed heavily "Without hesitation." He added for a dramatic effect.

I winced internally tucking my hair behind my ear before putting my spoon down. "I know but Katherine is a threat to us all, she one last loose end we need to cut."

"Well she better be worth it. I don't want Dad to worry about us." He said wearily "I'm actually starting to enjoy Mystic Falls believe it or not." Alec states smiling, the corner of his lips lifting. Astaria could tell he had a certain Bennett witch in mind.

'Oh I bet you are enjoying Mystic Falls with a certain Bennett witch running around.' I thought in my head internally but didn't voice my thoughts out loud for Alec to hear.

"I know, I know." I put my hands up "But what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Silently agreeing with me Alec mumbles "Let's get this over and done with, finish your breakfast and we'll head out." He ordered me while feeding himself a spoonful of his breakfast.

𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now