She obviously knew what that meant and waved her hand at me as if it was nothing.

"Don't worry he's not here, he left a few minutes ago, he's at work now." She said and I let out a relieved sigh.

"And I'm also not going to ask why the both of you aren't at school." She looked between Suna and me, she still didn't know I slept at his house or that we were even together, but according to her look she probably put 2 and 2 together.

"But I'm guessing you slept at his place." Mum looked over to Suna once again and he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I'm.. sorry. This is Suna" I put my arm around his and pulled him a bit forward so he'd stand next to me now.

I also wanted to add and he's my boyfriend but first, my mum never knew about my private life and surely wasn't starting now and second, she probably already found out herself.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you" he said in the nicest way possible and it was kind of hilarious, he hated small talk and being all formal and shit. I guess at that point it was really kind of awkward but we both had to go through it.

"I figured," she started, while Suna and I both were confused. "Last night Michi called me and asked if you got home safely, and since you never came home and apparently left your phone at hers, she called me afterwards to tell me that you're okay now and are staying with a friend." she finished her sentence as she looked over to Suna and emphasised the word friend.

At least she thinks I only spent last night with him, that could've gone worse, since I officially still 'stay at Michi's house'.

Suna and I literally said nothing, I think we both just wanted to get out again as soon as possible, I just didn't want to be in the presence of my mum anymore, I miss her when she's not here but as soon as I'm reminded again what it's like to be with her in one room, I want to leave.

It's always like an uneasy feeling, even when she's not in a bad mood.

"Don't you want to sit down? I wanted to talk to you about something." And moved the chair next to her back a bit so I'd sit down.

Honestly that scared me a bit, now she wants to talk? Only took you a few years mum, I'm not really in the mood anymore to be honest.

I looked over to Suna and he raised his eyebrows a bit and gave me a look that said 'I don't think we have another chance'.

So we both sat down and I expected the worst.

"It's something kinda.. serious." My mum said as she looked over to Suna as in she wanted him to leave. But he knew way more than she thinks, he obviously knew more about me than she already does, but I couldn't be alone right now and I wanted him here.

But he probably got the hint and started getting up but I pulled him down again, "It's okay." He sat back down and looked at me and I looked at him for a moment.

I looked back at my mum, "Anything you're telling me, you can say in front of him." I said and Suna intervened his hand with mine which made me instantly relax a bit.

My mum looked at me with an almost sad but disappointed look, at first I thought it was because I wouldn't let Suna leave, but I know that look.

That look means bad news.


Please don't tell me where I think this is going

"We're moving."

No. This can't be it. Maybe I heard her wrong?

Suna's hand tightened around mine and I looked at him, he looked nervous and swallowed.

I let out a nervous laugh, "excuse me I think I misheard you, what?"

"Next month, we're moving, again."

Yea no this isn't happening, this is not real.


Please not again, I beg you.

"Why?" Is the only thing I let out, not even being able to cry, I don't think I have already processed this.

I had to leave everything behind,


"I don't want to put you into danger anymore, I can't get rid of him, I am so sorry (Y/N)." She tried holding my other hand but I quickly pulled away, I didn't even look at her.

And after this whole time, Suna decided to speak up, "There must be another way, he belongs behind bars, It's not fair that you have to leave and he gets to keep pulling his bullshit."

I didn't see her reaction but I knew she was shocked that Suna knew about what happened, I didn't really care right now.

I got up and went into my room and locked the door. I didn't even give Suna a chance to follow me, normally he could always comfort me, but right now I needed to be alone.

We're going to move.


Next month.

I have one month left with him.

One month.

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