chapter 2

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3 years later 

September 29, 2021 Present day 

The electronic vital sign monitor begins to beep rapidly. One nurse hears beeping coming from room 303b and enters to find patient y/n/l/n on the bed, her fingers twitching for some strange reason. 

"Doctors!" the nurse yells "i need doctors at room 303b" the female nurse yelled again. 

"What possibly be the problem," many doctors hurry into room 303b. They looked up to the electronic vital sign and saw the line moving quickly after one of the physicians spoke out.

"it seems like y/n/yl/n is waking up from the coma this first time in three years" one of the doctor says

The doctors starting grabbing oxygen machines to support y/n. 

"it looks like shes fighting to wake up, we almost have her" another doctor says. 

y/n As medics apply nettles with medicine to assist her, her eyelids slowly open. Doctors are in shock once y/n is completely awake, so is y/n confused about where she is and why? She has no recollection of anything.

"w-where a-am im?' y/n struggles to say "Ms we well explain everything to you when you restore your strength, please take a rest." One doctor says 

y/n remains silent and stares around the room, attempting to recall what has occurred. The fact that it was in a hospital room was evident, but why? And how long had she been in the hospital? All she remembers is her mother and her going to her boyfriend's house, Vinnie's. What happened, and where is her mother or Vinnie?

Is this all a dream, or this is real life? she looks at all the doctors which are having a conversation on how is this is possible 

"um e-exscues m-me? y/n barely says 

"h-how long h-have i been h-ere?" the girl asked. 

"um y/n/yl/n you have been in a coma for the last 3 years" one doctors replys...... 

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