one - learning to fly

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Ruby's heart was the only thing she could hear as she looked through the window at Sydney

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Ruby's heart was the only thing she could hear as she looked through the window at Sydney. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her mum and dad looking at her touched because she probably looked like a kid at Christmas.

"Guys," Ruby sighed in mock anger, "I'm just applying, that doesn't mean I'll get in."

"Of course, you're getting in! My daughter is going to rock this audition week," Christopher Anderson shouted cheerfully, smiling at his daughter through the rearview mirror.

"And you too of course Alec," Laura Anderson added quickly, smiling, and Ruby just laughed and turned brightly to her brother Alec who was sitting next to her in the back seat.

Alec and Ruby were inseparable since childhood. They did everything together and with Alec being the older protective brother, Ruby grew up with care and love.

Ruby and Alec also shared the same dream. To become professional dancers.

Ruby was so nervous that she could have thrown up, and it got worse when her father stopped the car, and she knew they were at their destination.

She quickly got out and looked at the house that she hoped would soon be her home for a long time. Smiling brightly, she looked at Alec who returned it, and Ruby quickly ran to the trunk to unload her luggage.

When she turned to her parents, they already had tears in their eyes, she ran up to them and wrapped them both in my arms.

"I'll only be gone for a week," she said in a shaky voice.

"That's one week too many," her mum said in a mixture between a sob and a laugh before both parents went to Alec to hug him goodbye.

After many kisses and hugs, Ruby and Alec went to the dormitory, where they were immediately assigned their rooms. They quickly got ready and made their way to the Academy.

When we arrived, it was packed, and they had a hard time finding our room. When suddenly I saw a tall, brown-haired boy and headed toward him.

"Excuse me," she said politely, and he turned to her, "My brother and I are new here, and we're looking for Classroom 3."

"Yes of course," he said, flashing them his white teeth, "It's just down the hall, and then to the right is the second room."

"Thanks," Alec said, and they were about to turn around when he said, "Hey, I'm Ethan, by the way."

"I'm Ruby and this is Alec," she said shortly, for fear of being late.

"Nice to meet you guys and if you still want to change, Alec, I was just on my way to the boys' locker room."

"No, thanks," Alec said kindly, and they made their way to the classroom.

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