Turnaround, Part Two...

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"Are you doing this, Dewey?" Lawrence questioned of his guru's abilities and wisdom.

"This is the first time I've ever seen anything like it! I'm not sure what's going on either!" That was the tipping moment for him. Lawrence knew he couldn't pull it off. He had a gut feeling he needed to act.

"It was supposed to be my father!"  Lydia sobbed.

"Someone, somebody help him!" Barbara begged for help.

Lawrence took Lydia's book from her hands while she was reading it.

"Hey! Betelgeuse!" Lydia screamed.

"That's my name Lyds!"  Lawrence gave her a kind grin as he leafed through the book.

"How can you read that? It's written in the style of stereo instructions!" Lydia inquired, her mouth slightly wide.

"Rock gods!" Lawrence simply explained.

"What's going on with him?" Barbara inquired, turning to Lawrence and thinking that he had discovered something. Within the next few seconds, it was made clear that he had.

"Exorcism," he remarked, accompanied by a familiar feminine voice that everyone knew all too well. They all turned to look around, finding nothing at first. Their gaze was drawn to the sight of Delia rising from the floor, her hair a rich shade of red.

"It's death for the dead!" she said, her eyes glistening with malice. "Hey guys, awesome 'séance.' Lots of good old-fashioned chaos. You lose in your faces because look who's got all the aces!"

With four ace cards from each of the suits clutched like a fan in her hand, she screamed.

"You did this!" Barbara screamed, angry, stepping towards Delia and pointing an accusatory finger at her.

"She did!" Delia said, turning, looking at and pointing towards Lydia. "We might have been a fantastic team, but you wanted your daddy, so this is what you get!"

"You're a LIAR!" Lydia screamed, growing furious.

"Well... boohoo. The demon lied to you. Sorry to disappoint you, kid, but it's the age-old bait-and-switch tactic! You enter the Netherworld with the intention of never returning!" Delia shrieked. Adam let out a scream.

Lawrence flinched and backed away from Delia, inching closer to Emily and laying his head on her shoulder.

She had a better understanding of what he meant by childhood trauma today. He must have been yelled at a lot as a kid. He was never properly cared for as a child and ended up in the foster care system when his father became an alcoholic and his mother died protecting him from his dad. He was never adopted as a result of his ordeal. Everyone said he would be like his father so should be alone. She had an idea despite Lawrence's lack of talk about it.

In fact, he had never said anything at all. Dewey tried to yank Lawrence away from Emily, but she held him back and fast. To calm him down, Dewey had to make do with stroking circles onto his back.

"Can you tell me what you want?" Lydia screamed, eager to assist Adam in any way she could. He was the closest thing she had to a father she'd ever had since losing Charles.

"I'm tired of being alone, and the only way out is to live. So, if you want to save Adam, I need your help!" Delia got down on one knee, giving Lydia a pleading look. "I want you to marry me!"

Lydia, on the other hand, was prepared to do anything but that. She hadn't told anyone she was a Lesbian yet, and she planned to keep it that way until she was back at home, alone except for Emily and even Lawrence somehow.

Mixed it up Together: a Beetlejuice AU (a collab with GreatestShowman123)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora