Being Thomas' Little Sister and Not Knowing It Would Include...

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-Thomas felt close to you even before he knew the two of you were related

-He couldn't help it- you were the youngest there, even younger than Chuck

-Protective instincts to the max

-You're also one of the only other people besides Newt allowed to call Thomas 'Tommy'

-Thomas can't explain why he's okay with it- it just feels familiar, in a way, like home

-When Thomas first raised the idea about him going into the Maze, he didn't just do it because he was curious about what it was like outside of the Glade, he did it because he wanted to find a way for you to get out

-The two of you have a relationship like Thomas and Chuck, but closer

-It's like you knew things about Thomas before you even met him, like what jokes to make when he's down and which one of Frypan's meals will be his favorite

-When Thomas gets trapped in the Maze overnight, you're terrified that you'll lose him

-Thomas and Minho were two of the closest friends you had, and now you might have to live without both of them

-Newt is close to you, too, and the two of you worry the whole night long

-You couldn't be happier to see Thomas coming out of the Maze alive

-Once Thomas becomes a Runner, you settle into a rhythm where you wave goodbye to him in the mornings and he tells you about what he saw when he comes back

-You talk on Bonfire Newts with Thomas, Newt, and Minho

-Thomas protects you from Gally's wrath

-He also makes sure you survive the night when the Maze Doors don't close

-When it comes time to escape the Maze once and for all, Thomas makes sure that you stay by his side the whole time

-It is only then, when the remaining survivors manage to make it into the destroyed rubble of the WICKED building, that the truth finally comes out

-In one last video from Dr. Ava Paige, she talks about the fall of WICKED, the destruction of humanity, and then turns as if to address you directly

-She tells you that there's a reason you feel like you know Thomas, and he knows you- you're siblings, brother and sister that were placed in the Maze together

-It's a jaw-dropping discovery, but somehow it feels right

-In the end, Thomas feels like a brother, and he swears to keep you safe for as long as he can

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