
Start from the beginning



" Hi thank you for inviting me" I smiled before bowing

" oh honey there's no need to be so formal your like my other kid, whatcha got there" she pointed to my cookies

" oh uh i made cookies"

" your still making those stupid things?" Kat glanced at the box and rolled his eyes

" katsuki hunny take those into the kitchen will you" Mitsuki smiled at him

" what are her legs broken or something?"He chuckled

She gave him a look and he just sighed and grabbed the box and sassily stomped into the kitchen.

" so y/n how have you been, are you feeling ok? Is school fun for you? Are you and my son finally dat-"

"My love you know they wouldn't tell you" Masaru cut her off and winked at me playfully.

" oh I'm just teasing, but anyways what HAVE you been up to" Mitsuki chuckled

" nothing really but we do have that festival thing for school coming up" I said as I took a seat in the dining room

" ah yes those televised competitions your school does, katsuki used to love watching when he was younger. He would always say how he would win and that everyone sucks" she laughed thinking back

" sounds like him" I grinned

" so why did you invite this dumbass again?" Kat sighed as he sat across from me.

" because I need to have quality time with my future daughter-in-law" she winked at me and I cringed, feeling my ears get hot.

" SHUT UP-" Kat shouted

" it's not my fault your not man enough to ask her out hunny, now fix your face. How can y/n ever choose you when you have that sour look all the time" Mitsuki smiled

" IM MAN ENOUGH" Kat stood up

" mhm then prove it hot shot" she winked at me

" I-I CAN'T" his face started to redden

" well why not" she smirked


" KATSUKI" I gasped and slapped his arm

" WHAT" Mitsuki stood up

" I SAI-"

" shut it and sit down" I glared at him

" we decided not too because we feel that it's wrong timing but if the timing we're right and we both still have the same feelings than I would be more than happy to go on a date with your son" I sighed

" if you still have the same feelings? As in you like my son " she smiled at me

I felt my whole face burning and I couldn't even look at Kat.

" well, I- I don't know I - just .. haha it's really hot in here. I'm just gonna " I got up and walked over to the  door

" wait y-n-" I cut Mitsuki off

" I'm fine, I'm great I just need some air and- yea" I chuckled nervously as I walked out of the house and sat on the steps.

I buried my face into my hands and groaned.

" god I'm so stupid" I mumbled to myself

"Well at least your aware I mean 99% of people don't even realize how much of an idiot they are"

I sighed when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

" mhm yea and are you one of those people that are aware or unaware" I rolled my eyes as he sat next to me.

" I'm aware"

Shocked at his response I looked at him to see him smirking.

" yea whatever" I scoffed

" I'm sorry my moms a weird moron " he sighed

" I mean can you really blame her, she's been wanting us to date ever since she met me " I chuckled

" yea you should have seen how happy she was when I proposed to you with that stupid candy ring"

We both laughed.

"I can only imagine" I smiled

There was a comfortable moment of silence as we looked up at the sky.Instinctively I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. I felt him tense up slightly but quickly relaxing.

Mitsuki pov

Omg this is so cuteeee.

I took out my camera and took a few photos of the kids.

I have to save this for my album

Y/n pov

" you know she's really just joking. You don't have to be embarrassed" he mumbled

" it wasn't really what she was saying that made me embarrassed" I grumbled leaning back  up

" well than what was it"

" it's because she was right" I continued to look up at the stars

I felt his stare in me and I chuckled.

" come on dork, let's go back inside" I got up and stuck my hand out

" I don't need your help" he growled and stood up

" whatever " I smiled before walking back inside

King Explosion murder -(kastuki Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now