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I walked into the dining room.

" Y/N here sit next to me!"  Mitsuki patted on the seat next to her at the dinner table

" oh Ok!" I smiled nervously and quickly joined her

" where's brat?"

" oh he said he had to use the bathroom"

" oh alright.....ok spill the tea!" Mitsuki clapped her hands together

" hehe uh what tea?" I looked at her confused

" when are you and katsuki getting married!"

My eyes widened and my face started to heat up.

" w-what "

" oh I'm just teasing.... but are you two dating! Please tell me you are! He's a brat and your such a nice girl you could straighten him out!  Also you two would have beautiful children-"

" honey I'm home!"

Mitsuki was interrupted when someone walked into the house

" oh I didn't know you brought a guest honey, hello there!"

I stood up and bowed

" hello sir"

" oh hi there's no need to be so formal, please call me Masaru"  he gave me a warm smile

" Honey this isn't my guest.. ITS KATSUKI'S CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I thought he'd be a loner forever but look he has a friend! And it's a girl! "

Masaru chuckles while hanging up his coat

" yes dear"

He walked over and gave her a sweet kiss before sitting down in the other side of her

" where is katsuki anyways?"

" oh he said he was using the bathroom" I smiled

" oh yea he's been in there for a while now I wonder why.....y/n sweetheart erm what were you two uh doing before?" Mitsuki smirked

" I um we were just hanging out ya know. " I felt sweat drop on my forehead

" really ? I could have sworn I heard a little ruckus out there"

I chuckled nervously

" well your son is the loudest person I know so..."

" Oi what are you guys talking about?" Katsuki finally came and joined us at the table
I looked at him blushing and smiling.

" what the fuck did you say to her why does she look like that" katsuki growled

I frowned and crossed my arms

" what do you mean.. what do I look like?"  I glared at him

" you look like a fucking idiot"
Mitsuki threw her shoe at kat's head

" OI WHAT THE.... 'clears throat' what was that for" he growled

" DON' T TALK TO YOUR FUTURE WIFE LIKE THAT—- holy shit.. Masaru did you see that! He didn't yell.. y/n I'm keeping you forever!"
I giggled remembering what I told him.

" yea I'm surprised too I thought yelling was his first language " I smirked

" can we just eat" Kat growled

" Oh yes I almost forgot! Y/n sweetie join me in the kitchen to help!" Mitsuki said as she got up

" why can't you do it yourself " katsuki growled

King Explosion murder -(kastuki Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now