Yikes X Killed? Maybe?

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Now now now. (Sorry for the profanity...) I know this is a really shitty idea but hey I got dared to do it and now it'll happen. I AM NOT NOR EVER TYPING OUT SMUTS for these two you dirty try hards. SHAME BE UPON YOU ALL, because NO MEANS NO. Don't you start begging me for what I don't believe in you ignorant pervs.
Yikes' pov

It's a normalish day on discord. The grass is growing. The chat is vibing and everything seems normal. I see more people to welcome in and before I can type out the welcome said user, Queen Lee typed it in.

Fuming after, I join a voice chat in the break room vc with Killed and no one else in there. He was about to fall asleep but sounded drunk as heck and said he 'loved me'. Now obviously, I'm not going to online date a fellow staff member. That is just wrong and inconsiderate on so many levels right? So, he leaves voice chat and I am left in there thinking 'will he remember this later' and 'how would/ should I move past this?'.

As the day goes on, and on, I keep thinking about that one moment and hope it never changes because it would not be a good thing for that to happen but somehow it did? Chat keeps vibing as usual and it's all around another good day (minus work)... Anyway, the next day I join voice chat where Killed is there again and alone again. I bundle up all of my nerves and say "Hate you too," back to him before vanishing outta the call.

The end. Sorry, but I am not trying for a full on book series off of this discord drama....

Or is it?

(Part 2 of this chapter coming out later in a month)

Stay fluffy you sheep

~Brave Sheep

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