Chapter 13: Lost Hours, Sweet Dreams

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I was glad she survived the expectation of her death. She'd been living here for about five months. She was going to finally break free from her cancer in a week, I'd be here for the next few months.
"Hey _______?" Calliope asked me.
"Do you need me to wheel you back to your room for you? You seem like you're tired." She was concerned about how awfully sleepy my eyes looked. The medicine they put into my body usually did this. I nodded softly and she went out into the hall and grabbed a wheel chair and brought it back. Calli put a green blanket around me for comfort, she knew exactly what I needed, she'd been down the same path.
She helped me on to my bed and she tucked me in and rubbed my bald head. "See you in a little while ok?" She smiled
"Ok." I smiled back then drifted off to sleep.

"Is she dead?!" I heard a familiar voice shout, "Please tell me she's not dead!"
"She's only sleeping"
I felt a kiss on my temple.
I opened my eyes, Hoping the voice and the feeling of the lips belonged to-
"Jane?" I asked looking up at her.
"Oh sugar cakes, Thank you for not leavin me there." She hugged me tightly and I rubbed my face and let out a soft yawn.
"Alright Miss ______ needs to e freed now Miss' Crocker" my doctor looked at Jane.
Jane released her belted hug off of me and my doctor started hooking up my machines.
"Can she eat non hospital food now?" Jane asked, the doctor replied with "Not quite yet Miss Crocker, I assure you soon enough."
"Trust me Jane, I miss your baking." I smiled and Jane hugged me.
"I'm sorry to be leaving so soon ______ but, I just couldn't get off work sooner. Visiting hours are almost up, It's nearly 9 o' clock. I'm sorry pancake." Jane hugged me tighter then she pulled out a red liquid filled jar with a cork on top of it, out of her bag and set it on the table. "Smell ya later ______" she smiled and patted my head, leaving a nail and a lighter behind my pillow, Then left the room.

When the doctor left after finishing my treatments, he turned off the lights and the room was dimly lit by white florescent light from a Christmas light set. I grabbed the lighter and nail and started burning the nail until I saw it change color then I struck the cork with the nail, Just as Jane did. Then took it out of the cork and the scent of apples, Cinnamon, A sweet natural smell.
Taking me back to my first flirty memory with Karkat.
"Let me seeeeeeeeee" I dragged on and on.
"No you'll make fun of me just like the others."
"It's between you and me. I promise."
"But I'm not like human guys"
"You're still pretty nice looking."
Karkat sighed then backed up in his computer chair and took off his sweater to reveal his gorgeous, grey skinned chest, but there was one thing that I didn't know he had.
"Karkat, You look amazing. Hot actually"
"You didn't even bother to ask about the scars" he pointed out.
"My ancestor fought for his life, Searching for a meaning of all these signs showing up on him." I looked at the scars I thought to be burns were just scars.
"So they just come like tattoos"
Karkat nodded.
"I think it looks hot to be honest. You know I have a tattoo myself."
"Show me."
"You sure?" I said then he nodded.
I stood up turned around and lifted up the back of my shirt to reveal a tattoo on my spine that represented my zodiac sign. Karkat blushed, I was a bit flustered too. "Sorry." I said as I sat back down. "It's a pretty tattoo."
"Thanks" I smiled.
"A pretty bra too." He winked playfully.
"Shut up you" I laughed.
"I miss you _____."
"I miss you too Karkat, Why did you leave"
"I can't say but what matters now is that were together."
Then slowly, all at once our lips touch.
What a lovely dream.

[Sorry if y'all derps thought this chapter was a bit off than usual, I promise the next chapter will be more eventful!]

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