"Do you know anyone from there now?" Anirudh asked confused.

"Yes, my old friend Arvind lives there and he has two daughters.. we will see what we can do" Trilochan voiced.

Anirudh bobbed his head up and down. Trilochan patted his cheek and walked out of the study.

"Krishna Nagar" Anirudh whispered.

"Hello zameendar babu how are you?" Tulik asked through the telephone.

"I am fine Arvind, I hope you are doing fine too?" Trilochan responded.

"Yes I am all good" Arvind smiled.

"Uhh Arvind I wanted to talk about something" Trilochan started hesitantly.

"Sure zameendar babu anything" Arvind replied.

"My nephew Anirudh is to get married soon and he only wants to marry a girl from Krishna Nagar.. I remember you have two daughters right? Would it be appropriate if one of your daughter becomes my house's daughter in law?" Trilochan ended the sentence with the question.

Arvind smiled brightly. He loved his both of the daughters and if anyone would get a life of luxury what more would he want?

"When are you coming zameendar babu?" Arvind catechized.

"What?" Trilochan exhorted in confusion.

"To see my daughter for the marriage" Arvind chuckled.

Trilochan happily told him the date and the approximate time as they discussed about the bride and the groom.

"Ayy Sampoorna! Bondita! I have a good news" Arvind shouted in ecstacy entering his house.

Bondita ran towards her father handing him the glass of water.

"What happened baba?" Bondita asked smiling.

"Call Sampoorna also.. I want to tell you both together" Arvind said caressing her hair.

Bondita nodded and ran inside the house bringing Sampoorna with her.

"Now you both sit here.." Arvind said patting the place beside him.

They both nodded and sat down.

"I got a marriage proposal for one of you.." Arvind grinned.

Bondita pouted and turned her face away.

"Do you want your little Bondita to go away baba? I won't marry anyone.. I would never leave you" Bondita spoke sadly.

Arvind chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"It can't be for me na baba? It must have been for Bondita only" Sampoorna said happily.

"No Sampoorna, the proposal is for you.. you are elder than her so you should get married first" Arvind explained.

"What?" Sampoorna shouted furiously.

"Sampoorna behave!" Arvind warned.

"No baba I won't marry anyone.." Sampoorna cried and dashed away to her room.

Arvind looked at the door worriedly. Bondita smiled seeing Arvind's face and squeezed his hand.

"Don't worry baba.. I will explain Sampoorna didi" Bondita spoke softly.

Arvind smiled brightly.

"She is elder than you but you are more mature beta.. now I am sure I would never let my Bondita go" Arvind joked.

Bondita giggled and hugged him.

"Baba" Bondita said as she kept her head on his lap.

"Hmm?" Arvind hummed.

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