Chapter 0 | Prologue

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You were sitting on the edge of the plateau, hands supporting you as you leaned back and gazed up at the sky.

The Great Plateau was not your idea of a fun and interesting place, but at least you were closer to the clouds this way.

Hylia had instructed (though you felt forced was a better word for it) for you to guide the hero when he should awaken from his slumber.

It was quite a long thing really, she talked for what felt like hours. Something about a prophecy, and the destruction of the world as we know it should you fail, blah blah blah.

She also said another thing...

"In this world, there are the strong and the weak. The strong are responsible for protecting the weak. That is their duty. You are powerful Y/N. Link is strong, and courageous, but he will be vulnerable when he awakens. I want you to guide him and show him the path to his destiny. If this is something that you cannot do... If you are unable to protect him...then I see no reason for you to continue holding your power." 

You clutched the grass underneath your palms as a spike of anger shot through you at the memory.

So high and mighty, aren't you, Hylia? "strip me of my power," huh? Tch. Not like I'm almighty or anything in the first place. I can hardly fly.


Only a mile away, in the Shrine of Resurrection, Link stirred. 

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